CURRENT AFFILIATION: Assistant Professor at AUEB (School of Economics), Research Fellow in ELIAMEP.
PREVIOUS POSITIONS: Lecturer with tenure at University of Sheffield (2015-20), Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at UAB (2018-20), Jean Monnet fellow (2014-15) & Max Weber fellow (2013-14) at the European University Institute.
FIELDS: International Macro, Macro of Labor Markets.
CURRENT INTERESTS: technological change, skills mismatch, migration, fiscal policy.
PROFILES: google scholar, publons, ORCID
Latest NEWS:
NOV 24: presentation at event organized by the HFRI (in Greek), photos
OCT 24: presentation at the ASSET conference
SEPT 24: roundtable discussion on EU migration policy - ELIAMEP
JULY 24: podcast (in Greek) on Europe and Migration: Navigating the Challenges Ahead - ELIAMEP
JUNE 24: European Migration Policy: Recent Developments and the Way Forward - ELIAMEP European Economy Policy Brief
JAN 24: Fiscal tightening and skills mismatch, new working paper
AUG 23 - JAN 24: maternity leave, MAR - NOV 24: parental leave
JULY 23: Which crisis support fiscal measures worked during the COVID-19 shock in Europe? accepted for publication in SERIEs.
MAY 23: online event to present the GREBRAD project
MARCH 23: AUEB research excellence award for the EER publication
JAN 23: small grant from AUEB to support new faculty members
OCT 22: invited seminar, Paris School of Economics (postponed)
SEPT 22: Emigration and fiscal austerity in a depression accepted for publication in the JEDC.
JULY 22: new WP on European COVID-19 fiscal policies
JUNE 22: invited seminar, Bank of Greece
FEBR 22: briefing for EU Parliament’s in-house think tank
2020-2023: HFRI grant to lead a research group (3 Postdocs & 2 PhD students)