Evaluating Diversity and Inclusion Pedagogy in University Classrooms

Bluenotes Global 2020 Conference

August 3-4

Dr. Esther Ohito

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Dr. Joseph Lewis

Princeton University

This presentation presents a tool for the evaluation of diversity and inclusion pedagogy. This tool may improve institutional effectiveness vis-à-vis the pedagogical dimensions of diversity and inclusion.


The overarching goal of this project is to irradiate how diversity and inclusion pedagogy can be leveraged for student success vis-à-vis teaching and learning on university campuses with an articulated commitment to diversity and inclusion.

A Helpful Self-Assessment Tool

Course Overview and Introduction

Learning Objectives and Competencies

Assessment and Measurement

Instructional Materials

Learning Activities and Learner Interaction

Course Technology

Learner Support

Accessibility and Usability

Dimensions of Diversity and Inclusion Pedagogy

Student Learning

Course Materials and Content

Student-Centered Course Interactions

Instructor Planning

Knowledge of Diverse Backgrounds and Identities

Class Culture


Findings from this project will reveal if and how diversity pedagogy shapes teaching and learning and impacts student success thus contributing to institutional effectiveness with regard to sustaining a diverse and inclusive campus. Findings may also contribute to the improvement of course evaluation tools through a diversity and inclusion framework, further ensuring that the teaching and learning occurring in institutions is—or is made—culturally relevant to all students.