Workshop on Automated Evaluation of Learning and Assessment Content

AIED 2024 workshop |  Recife (Brazil), Hybrid


Invited Speakers

Prof. Zachary A. Pardos, Associate Professor of Education at UC Berkeley

Dr. Pardos is an Associate Professor of Education at UC Berkeley studying adaptive learning and AI. His current research focuses on knowledge representation and recommender systems approaches to increasing upward mobility in postsecondary education using behavioral and semantic data.

Dr. Victoria Yaneva, Manager of NLP Research at NBME

Dr. Victoria Yaneva is Manager, NLP Research at NBME (Philadelphia, USA), where she lead a team working on improving educational assessment in medicine using NLP and behavioural data. Prior to that she was a post-doctoral researcher and PhD student at the University of Wolverhampton, UK, working on automated approaches towards improving text and web accessibility for people with autism.