Shorter Routes

A Short RIde

Distance: 22km

Elevation: 308m

Description: Perfect for a short evening spin.

Tags: Hilly

Tedburn Slice

Distance: 25km

Elevation: 419m

Description: A short, hilly loop out to Tedburn and back. You can expect quiet roads and lots of shorter hills.

Tags: Hilly, quiet

Powderham Loop

Distance: 29km

Elevation: 143m

Description: Cycle path out-and-back, but with a twist

Tags: Cycle path


Distance: 29km

Elevation: 292m

Description: A fast 29km route, perfect for a solo effort. Be careful to leave at a suitable time, to avoid traffic when leaving Exeter. This route is suitable all year round.

Tags: solo TT, Tiv Road, winter

Silverton (Quiet)

Distance: 29km

Elevation: 297m

Description: Same as the classic Silverton loop, but opts for a quieter road for a ~5km stretch. Includes 5m more climbing.

Tags: Tiv Road, winter

Steady Lanes East

Distance: 30km

Elevation: 268m

Description: Fairly flat and fairly quiet. No dodgy lanes.

Tags: Winter


Distance: 35km

Elevation: 427m

Description: A fairly quiet route out to Marsh Green, where Rockbeare Hill begins. Loop back along a nice gradual descent and make your way back into Exeter via a cycle path.

Tags: Rockbeare

The Stoke Hill Challenge

Distance: 34km

Elevation: 857m

Description: Wrefords, Stoke Hill northbound (road), Penny Road, Stoke Hill southbound (road), Rosebarn, Stoke Hill (hillclimb). Go on, I dare you.

Tags: Challenging, Stoke Hill, Wrefords, Penny Road, Rosebarn, Stoke Hill (road)

Starcross Loop

Distance: 36km

Elevation: 215m

Description: Cycle path - hilly section - cycle path. An introduction to hills.

Tags: Cycle path

2 and a half Kenn

Distance: 37km

Elevation: 309m

Description: Enjoy the flat of the cycle path while it lasts, before tackling the undulating roads around Haldon

Tags: Jasper


Distance: 39km

Elevation: 428m

Description: Along cycle path, up Mamhead and an undulating descent back into Exeter.

Tags: Mamhead, Cycle path


Distance: 41km

Elevation: 667m

Description: A quieter take on the classic Cadbury. Clockwise. Optional Stoke Hill on the return to Exeter.

Tags: Cadbury, Tiv Road

Bradninch Lanes

Distance: 41km

Elevation: 871m

Description: Almost exclusively on quiet roads, this is the perfect 40km to practice your climbing. Finishes up Stoke Hill.

Tags: Stoke Hill, Hilly, Quiet


Distance: 42km

Elevation: 523m

Description: A loop to Otters. Nice gentle descent upon the return.

Tags: Ottery St Mary

North of Cranbrook

Distance: 43km

Elevation: 519m

Description: Enjoy some Devon lanes with a brief interlude on Jasper's favourite road in Devon (B3181)

Tags: Lanes, B3181, Jasper


Distance: 45km

Elevation: 664m

Description: A quiet loop out west. Flat - hill - cafe - descend.

Cafe: Woodleigh Coach House, after Cheriton Bishop

Tags: Quiet, Jodeci

Quieter Cadbury

Distance: 47 km

Elevation: 840m

Description: Departs Exeter over Stoke Hill and follows quiet lanes to Thorverton, where the most significant climb of the route will be encountered. A short detour to Cheriton Fitzpaine ensues, before an undulating descent back down to the Thorverton flats, for a gentle return to Exeter.

Tags: Silverton, Thorverton, Crediton, lanes


Distance: 49km

Elevation: 615m

Description: Explore the quieter roads east of Exeter. Features two climbs of equal magnitude, Rockbeare and Yettington.

Tags: Rockbeare, Yettington