Our project


Our students are amazing and gifted. They can do things that we do not even suspect. They are creative but sometimes we are not aware of their talents. This project is a way to allow the European students involved in it to show and express what they can do and how creative they are. They will share their special talents and they will discover their partners’ ones. By doing so, they could become more self-confident , proud of who they are and happier!


Communicate with peers

Share a part of personal life

Improve language skills in English

Get more self-confident

Recognition of the talent of each others

Spread the message of tolerance and respect

Using ICT tools ( youtube, padlet , tricider, video makers, calaméo ... )

Entertaining and having fun

Making an e-book of talents

Making a common TV show : Europe’s got talent


1.October -November 2017 :

Introducing: what do you mean for “talent”?

- brainstorming/survey (mentimeter) in each group, a video conference

- sharing the results with partners

- thinking about everyone’s talent

- Each student sends to the partners a presentation postcard (name and hobbies, attitudes, ambitions…)

- Each class sends a list of its students with photos and names.

2.December 2017 :

Making a short video to tell about the special talents without giving names (youtube) + matching game: the partners associate a student with a talent and publish their guesses in the twinspace

+ Sending a Christmas postcard

3.January -March 2018 :

Sharing videos of what we can do (Each student/small group makes a short video ) + sharing impressions about our partners videos and encouraging (padlet, memory games)

4.March -May 2018 :

Voting for the favourite talent (tricider) and say why you like it

5. May - June 2018:

Making an e-book of talents (calaméo)+ Making a common talent show program : Europe’s got talent (with all the students’ videos )


  • Each performance must be very short (1 min?)
  • Students with same talent and special close friendship can perform in pairs (small groups)
  • working with groups, a group just judge another small group from another country


The students should become aware of the importance of English as a mean of communication. They should be tolerant and encouraging. They should not be afraid of sharing a nice part of their life. They will make a common video of their talents.