Open document Apre nuova finestra Memorandum of Understanding, approved by the board on 5 April 2022 Open document Apre nuova finestra Accordion Siti utili - documenti eures EN Useful websites Missoc Sistema di informazione reciproca sulla protezione sociale

The backbone of the network is easily accessible online services via the EURES portal (, as well as support services, guidance and assistance provided by consultants and tailored to customer needs.



The EURES job mobility portal is the main source of information about EURES. The portal is available in 26 languages. It provides information about available vacancies, advice for jobseekers and employers, living and working information about the EURES countries and information about different EURES events and newsletter. It is possible to search for active EURES advisers on the portal and contact them via email, telephone and in some cases through an online chat.

EURES in Iceland is part of the recruitment- and counselling department of The Directorate of labour. The team consists of three EURES advisers who can be contacted via email to: or through our Facebook page:

The EURES network has been established in Slovakia since May 1, 2004, when the country became a member of the European Union. EURES network services are available at all 46 Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family in Slovakia, provided by EURES advisers and contact persons, as well as on the job portals and 2351a5e196

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