IBSS Scientific Information Department in 2022–2023

Olga Kopytova, Olga Akimova, Aleksei Baiandin
A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas of RAS, Crimea

Dear colleagues, on the eve of the most magical holiday, we are happy to share our news!

What will the Team of IBSS Scientific Information Department remember over the past two years?

1. The need for moving all our websites. Now links to all IBSS information resources are collected at https://marine-research.ru/. Welcome!

2. Improvements on the Marine Biological Journal website (by the way, it has also moved and is available at https://marine-biology.ru/). There are many, but not all of them can be seen. On the scientific publication page, there are a “Funding” tab and a UDC line. The necessary information has been added to the entire array of communications and notes, since it is pretty often required when preparing reports.

3. Improvement of indicators. For 2023, Marine Biological Journal is ranked in Scopus as Q3 journal in Aquatic Sciences. New authors are always welcome!

4. Filling and regularly updating the media archive (https://media.marine-research.ru/). Almost 1,900 interesting photographs have already been uploaded here, and more than 500 publications on IBSS history have been collected.

5. Updating our open access repository (https://repository.marine-research.ru/). To date, there are over 13,000 scientific publications, carefully described and categorized. The repository runs on the DSpace platform, v7.5.

6. Completion of the library collection inventory. Our colleagues verified and manually stamped tens of thousands of books, journals, theses, reprints, etc. As far as IBSS staff remembers, it was the first inventory during which the scientific library did not have to be closed from visitors.

7. The release of the anniversary edition, which we have been creating for more than two years. Now our institute has a wonderful gift: the album “Sevastopol Biological Station – Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas: Through the Prism of History” (https://book.marine-research.ru/). There is so much teamwork and so much love! We hope that you will also enjoy browsing through it.

Dear community, thank you for your invaluable help and support! Happy holidays!