Call for Papers
EURALI is seeking submissions under the following categories:
Full papers: 8 pages+unlimited reference
Short papers (work in progress): 4 pages+unlimited reference
Posters (innovative ideas/proposals, a research idea of students): 4 pages+unlimited reference
Demo (of working online/standalone systems): 2 pages
Papers must describe original, completed or in progress, and unpublished work. The accepted papers will be given up to for full/short paper and poster in the workshop proceedings, and will be presented as an oral presentation or poster.
Papers should be formatted according to the LREC-COLING style sheet, which is provided on the LREC-COLING 2024 website. Please submit papers in PDF format to the START account ( For further information on this initiative, please refer to the workshop site.
February 23 (Friday), 2024: March 04 (Monday), 2024: Paper submissions due
March 22 (Friday) March 25 (Monday), 2024: Paper notification of acceptance
April 05 (Friday), 2024: Camera-ready papers due
May 25 (Saturday), 2024: Workshop