Euprioniodina perangulata Ulrich & Bassler, 1926

1926 Euprioniodina perangulata n. sp. - Ulrich & Bassler, pag. 30, Plate 3, fig. 10.

Original description - Tooth developed almost equilaterally as in Hibbardella but when carefully examined it is found that the two lateral extensions are not equal the anterior one being the longer of the two and carrying six short, blunt (possibly evenly broken) closely spaced denticles whereas the other end of the bar carries four with a minute one between the first and the second, much longer, well separated straight denticles. Moreover the main cusp is very slightly curved. All of these characters suggest Euprioniodina and compared with other species of this genus this one is readily recognized by its sharp angulation and the reversal in length of the lateral extensions of the bar.

Occurrence - Rhinestreet Formation, U. S. A. (Ulrich & Bassler, 1926).

Age range - Upper Devonian (Ulrich & Bassler, 1926).

Holotype - Cat. No. 11275, U.S.N.M.


- Ulrich, E. O., Bassler, S. (1926) - A classification of the toothlike fossils, conodonts, with descriptions of american Devonian and Mississippian species. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, vol. 68: 63p.

Fig. 1 - Euprioniodina perangulata in Ulrich & Bassler (1926).