This is a website of Erasmus + project between 5 schools from Danmark, Iceland, Germany, Slovenia and Spain. The project aims to show young people how migration works on different levels in society and how they can take an active part in an integration process, both as national citizens of their country and when they themselves migrate to other countries.

This project should enable our students linguistically and methodically to discuss controversial topics peacefully and efficiently by comparing different approaches so that they can develop appropriate solutions. This is our most relevant horizontal priority.

The successful integration of refugees and migrants into our European Union is only possible if all members of the community work together. The aim of the project is to enable our students to exchange ideas and to find solutions for a peaceful integration of all sorts of newcomers. This should be done on different levels: first of all on the school level followed by the local, national, European and international level so that the students - at the end - can develop very personal approaches to dealing with this challenge. That is why we decided to put "social inclusion" as a further horizontal priority.

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsiĀ­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

Schools in the Erasmus+ project: