European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW)

supported by almost 100 civil society organisations, including international and national platforms and umbrella associations,

sent a letter addressed to the European Commission’s Vice-President Margaritis Schinas and Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson.

The EUIA PRESS platform is a great initiative for starting journalists to learn from a free environment online.

Online Journalism is the future, or it is the NOW, because news goes faster online and spreading information fast and accurate to the people is the goal for any journalist.

On this platform you will find tools, links, apps and webapplications that can help you.

Find the people you need, Get more information about how to create a rapportage, connect to people who can help you to do more research and work together.

These goals are the way to succes.

Because serious people with a great attitude and the energy to keep it going are the journalists of the future.

Anyone can become a journalist, local, regional, national or even international ...

But it all has to start with the willingness and being prepaired to work for it, to get the facts and create your content online, you have to know your own skills and opportunaties, Be aware about yourself, your local possibilities, your choices and your chances.

Building on : A step to step , day to day routine ... Planning, Producing, Publishing, ...

In a few days you can connect to a few people

In a few weeks you can contact and communicate about a local or regional story ..

And in a few months you could be the one who made it all possible,... because journalism is about connecting and seeing the road to a better world. Knowing what has to change, how and who can have an impact on it.

Doing interviews is the main task of a journalist, next to doing research, getting the information from people and publishing it online. But where to start, who to search for and what to ask ... are just the beginners questions. The next level questions are, how to get more budget to do more, how to reach for more people who can help to do better research, etc. etc.

Help us to a path of clearing the way for future journalism. Help us create this platform.

QUESTIONS FOR A JOURNALIST / Research Team / Dynamic Duo >>

  • Who are you? & Who are you connected to? Who is having an impact on the issue/problem?
  • Where are you now? Where do you want to be? Where is your research/story about?
  • What do you need? What is the problem? What are possible solutions? What is missing?
  • How can you publish it to a short story, clear and to the point presentation, 1 pdf document summary?
  • How to create the needed pictures, video or audio content to get the story online?