
I am a postdoc at the Department of Economics of Sciences Po, where I work with Jeanne Hagenbach on the ERC project 'Motivated Reading of Evidence' (MOREV). I am also affiliated with the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP).

Previously, I was a postdoc at the GATE in Lyon. I got my PhD from the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn and the University of Cologne

My research focus is on behavioral and experimental economics. I am particularly interested in the role of motivated reasoning, image concerns and norms in economic decisions.

Contact: eugenio.verrina(at)sciencespo.fr


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Call for papers: Arno Apffelstaedt, Jöel van der Weele and I are currently editing a Research Topic on “Image Concerns in Economic Behavior”.


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Video presentation  of "Personal norms - and not only social norms - shape economic behavior" - NoBec ECR Talks

The importance of being earnest: A behavioral economics study on compliant taxpayers, controls and benefits (UNITRENTOMAG)

Listen to my interview for "Generazione mobile" on Radio24

The higher you climb, the more distant you see. The more distant you see, the longer you dream."  (Walter Bonatti)

Behavioral economics and mountaineering: George Lowenstein's  "Because It Is There: The Challenge of Mountaineering… for Utility Theory"