
GKM actions on cohomogeneity one manifolds,

O. Goertsches, E. Loiudice, and G. Russo,

Preprint at: arXiv 2202.07700., submitted.

How to construct all metric f -K-contact manifolds,

O. Goertsches and E. Loiudice,

Adv. Geom., to appear.

Metric f -contact manifolds satisfying the (κ, μ)-nullity condition,

A. Carriazo, L. M. Fernández, and E. Loiudice, 

Mathematics (2020), 8, 891.

On the topology of metric f -K-contact manifolds,

O. Goertsches and E. Loiudice,

Monatsh. Math. 192 (2020), 355-370.

Canonical fibrations of contact metric (κ, μ)-spaces, 

E. Loiudice and A. Lotta, 

Pacific J. Math. 300 (2019), 39-63.

On the classification of contact metric (κ, μ)-spaces via tangent hyperquadric bundles,

E. Loiudice and A. Lotta, 

Math. Nachr. 291 (2018), 1851-1858.

On five dimensional Sasakian Lie algebras with trivial center,

E. Loiudice and A. Lotta, 

Osaka J. Math. 55 (2018), 39-49.

A dimensional restriction for a class of contact manifolds,

E. Loiudice,

Demonstr. Math. 50 (2017), 231-238.

Canonical fibrations of (κ, μ)-spaces and Sasakian Lie groups over symmetric spaces, [pdf]

PhD thesis, Università di Bari Aldo Moro (May 25, 2017)

Supervisor: Antonio Lotta

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Address: Walther-Rathenau-Str. 47, 17489 Greifswald (Raum: 5.05)