1st International EUGAIN Summer Training School
June 6th-8th, 2022 - Lugano, Switzerland
The EUGAIN Training Schools provide early career researchers (PhDs and postdocs) with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of gender balance in informatics from both research and professional fields. The interaction between the participants (both professors, professionals/practitioners, researchers, and students) will promote the generation of new ideas and their confrontation with the experiences acquired in their fields.
Aims & Scope
The EUGAIN-STS 2022 will focus on how to conduct research studies. Participants will acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to design gender and gender-sensitive studies in Informatics. They are expected to work on the design of a user study in their research area that accounts for gender issues and to exchange and share ideas in groups.
We invite doctoral and early career researchers to apply by sending their applications as specified below. The application is open to everyone interested in the topic of the Training School regardless of their field of study, origin, gender, ideology, etc.
Software Engineering
Eindhiven University of Technology
The Netherlands
Human-Computer Interaction
Oregon State University
Education in Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Northeastern University
Artificial Intelligence
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
A Different Perspective
University of St. Gallen
A Different Perspective
Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation
Program (presentations available via the links)
Monday, June 6th
08:00 Registration
08:30 Welcome & Day Presentation
09:00 Alexander Serebrenik's Keynote
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Alexander Serebrenik's Keynote
11:30 Group Work & Discussion Panel
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Margaret Burnett's Keynote
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Poster Presentation
17:30 Close
19:00 Social Event
Tuesday, June 7th
08:30 Recap & Day Presentation
09:00 Juraj Hromkovic's Keynote
10:00 Coffee Break
10:30 Juraj Hromkovic's Keynote
11:30 Group Work & Discussion Panel
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Ricardo Vinuesa's Keynote
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Introduction to EUGAIN by Elisa Rubegni
17:00 Ricardo Baeza Yates's Keynote
18:00 Close
19:00 Social Event
Training activities will take place at Faculty of Informatics (Room C1.05, Building D, East Campus Lugano), Via la Santa 1, 6962 Lugano-Viganello, Switzerland.
Admission to the school is on competitive grounds and selected participants are expected to attend for the full length of the program, from the morning of Monday, June 6th, till the afternoon of Wednesday, June 8th, and contribute actively to group work.
Registration to the event is FREE and it includes participation in all lectures, social events, meals, and coffee breaks.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: We are constantly analyzing the situation of COVID-19 and possible restrictions related to it. Attendance at the event is physical, but in the event of possible changes related to COVID-19, we will notify the participants as far in advance as possible.
Important Dates
Application Deadline: March 10th, 2022
Notification of Acceptance: March 21st, 2022
Poster Submission Deadline: May 20th, 2022
The application for EUGAIN-STS 2022 has ended. We look forward to having you at the next EUGAIN Training Schools! Stay tuned for the next Call for Application.
If you have any questions concerning the EUGAIN Training Schools, do not hesitate to contact the chairs via trainingschool@eugain.eu
Poster Session (for accepted applicants only)
Participants in the Training School must develop and send by email to trainingschool@eugain.eu (before the deadline established for it) a poster with the topic of gender balance in informatics.
The poster must be related to a research project performed by the participant on the established topic (addressing planning, analysis, proposal, and/or validation, among others) or to a proposal for the development of a future research project that addresses a current problem on the topic. The poster should specifically describe:
the interest in gender studies;
what kinds of Research Questions it is trying to answer with gender studies;
and, how are/would these studies organized/be organized.
The posters will be exposed to the public at the beginning of the Training School and the participants will be able to withdraw them once this is finished. During the days of the Training School, several sessions of between 15-30 minutes will be established so that participants can present and discuss their posters with other participants.
The size of the poster must be A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm) and it is the responsibility of each participant to print it and bring it to the beginning of Training School.
Certificate of Attendance and ECTS Validation (for accepted applicants only)
All participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance after the end of the Training School.
In the same way, interested participants will have the possibility to complete additional activities over the Training School to receive a letter that they can use to apply at their University for the validation of ECTS. There is the possibility of obtaining between 2.5 ECTS and 7.5 ECTS, depending on the following requirements:
2.5 ECTS. Attendance + individual reflection essay. The essay should contain lessons learnt from the Training School, structuring and summarizing notes and knowledge gained during the event. You can use the reflection notes that you compiled during the school as a starting point. Connection to your own area of research and specific work is expected. Possible questions to discuss: How could you change or improve your PhD work thanks to the insights from the school? Any new perspective or method that you could consider for your work? Any intervention/study that you are inspired to run at your organization?
Essay Deadline: July 15th, 2022
7.5 ECTS. Attendance + individual reflection essay + paper draft. A complete draft of a paper describing a plan study in a relevant area of the Training School, referencing and relating to the syllabus or inspired by one or more of the keynotes and the provided reading list. Page limit for this format: 5000 words - or according to the conference you are planning to submit to - poser-short paper would do . Please let us know which conference you could consider submitting the paper to, so that we can evaluate the paper accordingly. (The paper can be co-authored by up to three participants)
First Draft Deadline: July 15th, 2022
Paper Deadline: September 1st, 2022
Although the indicated ECTS follow a standard, we recommend that participants check the local requirements of their Universities for possible changes or discrepancies in the validation.
General Chair
UniversitĂ della Svizzera Italiana
Web Manager
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Scientific Committee
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
University of Oulu
For any information about the EUGAIN Training Schools please contact: trainingschool@eugain.eu
In addition, you can visit the EUGAIN official website to obtain more information about the whole project: https://eugain.eu