
Thursday, 15/3/2018

11.00-12.00 - Arrival

12.00-12.30 - Welcome from local hosts and introductory talk by WP1 leaders

12.30-13.00 - First session: presentations from Sections coordinators of WP1 document (Section 2)

13.00-14.30 - Lunch break

14.30-16.00 - Second session: presentations from Sections coordinators of WP1 document (Sections 2 & 3) [including ample time for discussion]

16.00-16.45 - coffee break/discussions

16.45-18.00 - Contributed science talks (Bruno Barros, Robert Hagala)

Friday, 16/3/2018

10.00-11.00 - Third session: presentations from Sections coordinators of WP1 document (Sections 4-7) [including ample time for discussion]

11.00-11.30 - Coffee break/discussions

11.30-12.30 - Contributed science talks (Yashar Akrami, Giampaolo Benevento)

12.30-14.00 - Lunch break

14.00-15.30 - Euclid update, discussion about document, and next steps

15.30-16.00 - Wrapping up

Remote Connection

Remote participation is possible through the link posted on the #wp1_general channel in the Euclid TWG Slack (

Contributed Science Talks:

Signatures of a Disformally Coupled Scalar Field - Robert Hagala

We consider a modified gravity model where a scalar field which is coupled disformally to the metric. This allows for phenomena not observed in traditional "conformal" theories. We present results from cosmological N-body simulations, where the full time- and space evolution of the scalar field is calculated. This method gives a precise picture of the scalar field dynamics and the effect on the matter distribution; beyond what can be calculated reliably with linear and quasistatic approximations. The results indicate that the field evolution is more complex than previously thought. Furthermore we show that disformal couplings can reduce the power spectrum on small scales.

Recent developments in alpha-attractor quintessential inflation, and the implications of GW170817 for bimetric models - Yashar Akrami

K-mouflage cosmology: parameter constraints and forecasts - Giampaolo Benevento

I will discuss the implementation of K-mouflage models of Modified Gravity in the EFTCAMB solver and its application to constraining K-mouflage theories using Planck data. I will show that, since K-mouflage presents a non-trivial expansion history at high-redshift, interesting bounds on relevant parameters can already be placed by looking at CMB power-spectra. In the end I will discuss the case in which the K-mouflage expansion history is forced to follow the $\Lambda$CDM prediction.

Sections Presentations & Discussions

Section 2: Yashar Akrami

Section 3: Noemi Frusciante

Section 4: Lucas Lombriser

Discussion on Sections 5-7: Pedro Ferreira, Lucas Lombriser, Alessandra Silvestri


José Pedro Mimoso, Alessandra Silvestri, Lucas Lombriser, Noemi Frusciante, António da Silva