Thesis Supervision

PhD Thesis

Lampropoulos George (PhD started 2020 - completed 2023). Phd student at the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering  of International Hellenic University, Greece. Title of the project "The role of educational technology and gamification in improving education, cognitive and social-emotional development of 21st century skills cultivation development and evaluation of virtual and augmented reality applications, artificial intelligent tools and serious games".  

Melisidis Konstantinos (PhD started 2021).  Phd student at the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering  of International Hellenic University, Greece. Title of the project "An educational approach to teaching programming and computational thinking through augmented reality and gamification".

Charalampidis Charalampos (PhD started 2020). Phd student at the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering  of International Hellenic University, Greece. Title of the project "Improving the interoperability of Internet of Things, using semantic web technology".

Postgraduate Thesis

Undergraduate Thesis