lab members


jonathon Thomas

Johnathan is a fourth year doctoral student in clinical psychology at the University of Texas at Tyler specializing in rural mental health care and working in educational settings

alma bluesummers

Alma is a third year doctoral student and a licensed counselor specializing in substance use disorders. Her current research is focused on the impact of social media on mental health.

emily barena

Emily is a Clinical Psychology Ph.D student at the University of Texas at Tyler. Her research interests include ACEs, the connections of mental health and physical health, technological interventions using ACT, and rural populations. 

Ruta Dighe

Ruta Dighe is an M.S. student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Texas at Tyler, dedicated to aiding those with anxiety and depression. Her interests lie in childhood adversity, cultural influence, psychological values, and ACT-based interventions.

MADISON doucet

Madison is a Clinical Psychology M.S. student at the University of Texas at Tyler. Her interests include psychological flexibility, ACT-based approaches, behaviors in-context, and mindfulness.

Jacob Hardin

Jacob Hardin is a Clinical Psychology M.S. student at the University of Texas at Tyler. His interests include relational frame theory, self-efficacy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)-based interventions.

Erica Martinez

Erica Martinez is a Clinical Psychology M.S. student at The University of Texas at Tyler. Her previous research has been centered around students' and adjunct professors' experiences in a statistics course.  Currently, she is investigating caregiver’s depression and the influential factors affecting their overall mental well-being. She is also interested in seeing how Acceptance and Commitment Therapy techniques can increase one's overall psychological flexibility and aid in a value-based life.  


Meera R Nair is a clinical psychology M.S student at the University of Texas at Tyler. She is currently involved in helping individuals with anxiety and mood disorders.  Her interests include exploring the concept of psychological flexibility and living a value-based life, along with the application of  acceptance and commitment therapy as an intervention.

Former Lab Members

Jessica Criddle

Criddle is a former Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student at the University of Texas at Tyler. She uses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based interventions to motivate health behavior change. Some of her other professional passions include trauma, adolescent populations, technological delivery of interventions, and single-subject design. Her current endeavors are developing a digital adjunctive tool for Veterans receiving PTSD treatment and learning new statistical approaches to longitudinal data analysis. 

We wish her the best in her future endeavors!

Chloe Hicks

Chloe Hicks is a Masters student studying Clinical Psychology at the University of Texas at Tyler.