It is my hometown!

The partner schools shared their presentations about hometowns.

The Weather in Europe

The partners schools presented the weather forecast in their hometowns and countries.

Our Poetry Book

The pupils wrote poems and also continued each other's poems.

Let's Sing a Song Together!

All the partner schools met online and listened to the song "Happy" by Pharrel Williams.

Chain questions and replies about hobbies and interests

Students asked one question and answered previous students question. It was made chain by questions and replies. Students would like to know about their friends favourite hobbies and interests.

My dreams My hobbies

The partner schools had been matched and met online to talk about their future dreams and hobbies.

I write and read a letter for you!

The partner countries had matched and the penpals wrote letters to each other first. Then, the penpals read their letters to each other on online meetings.

What is your most favourite fairy tale?

All partner schools voted for the most favourite fairy tale via google forms.

And the winner story is...

Most students voted for "Beauty and the Beast" as the most favourite tale.

Recipe Book

The pupils described the recipes of their typical dishes. The countries tried to cook each other's dishes.

Partners meeting for the story.

The schools had been matched and met online to watch the movie together and answer the questions about the story.

Our Story Book

The schools divided the parts of the most favourite tale between each other and the students from 6 partner countries told the story in collaboration.