Caitlin Clark Iowa NCAA women all time leading scorer shirt

hat said, if you like it and don’t mind being the most formally dressed person in the room, go for it. It’s perfectly okay to wear ties and jackets and on the list of things that teenage boys could do that might not be “normal,” wearing a tie is very low on any reasonable person’s list of concerns. Eventually people will get used to it if it becomes a habit and it will stop being a topic of conversation if it ever was one to begin with. That said, make sure you use some common sense. The only suit you should wear to a pool party if you’re invited to one is a swimsuit. And don’t wear a suit or jacket and tie to something that’s going to involve strenuous physical activity. There’s a difference between “I wear jackets and ties because I like them and I can” and “I have no sense of social etiquette or context.” Be the former guy, not the latter. That, and make sure your clothes fit as well as possible.

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