Topics covered by the workshop include:
- Non-equilibrium dynamics (Time-resolved vibrational and electronic spectroscopy, electronic correlation, coherence and decoherence…)
Since the experimental feasibility of controlled generation of isolated attosecond electromagnetic pulses probing electron dynamics in both molecular and solid systems has continued to a field of growing interest for evident reasons. This includes finding possibilities for faster manipulation of material properties, achieving ultrafast control over reaction pathways, etc. Time-resolved measurements of out-of-equilibrium dynamics at sub-femtosecond scales and involving both purely electronic and electron-nuclear motions are already exploring the potential to enable a vast variety of tunable and exotic functionalities that may lead to the next revolution of quantum technologies. This is why this edition of the workshop will cover both experimental and theoretical developments in this vibrant field, emphasizing fundamental phenomena emerging from purely electronic correlations and coupling of electron-nuclear motions in both molecules and solids put under external perturbation.
- Charge and energy transfer in solids, in hetero- and nano- structures (role of point and extended defects, thermal effects… )
We will address the challenges associated with hetero- and nano-structured systems. Our discussions will encompass a broad range of topics, spanning from thermal effects, point and extended defects, and their impact on the electronic properties of solid-state materials to the intricate interplay of charge and energy transfer within both organic and non-organic heterostructures. Furthermore, we will explore their practical applications in light harvesting, quantum computing, optoelectronics, and other technological domains. Additionally, this conference will showcase the latest experimental advancements in the study of charge dynamics within complex structures.
- Advanced methods in the description of electronic excitations (electron-phonon coupling, multiscale and embedding methods…)
In addition, the workshop will be focused on the treatment of electron-phonon coupling, which has enabled a more comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom, facilitating the accurate description of excited-state phenomena in various materials and in phenomena such as charge transfer, energy dissipation, and phonon-mediated processes. The development of multiscale models and computationally-efficient embedding schemes has provided a powerful framework for describing electronic excitations across different length and time scales, as well as for investigating complex materials and interfaces, this topic will also be discussed at the workshop.
- Theoretical and numerical developments (machine learning, many body formalisms, mathematical formalisms, non-linear optical spectroscopy...)
The conference will cover the most recent theoretical and numerical advancements toward a more accurate prediction of electronic excitations. Recent developments have provided the theoretical many-body formalism to incorporate excitonic effects into the calculations of spectroscopies (such as Raman and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering), enhancing our ability to accurately describe and interpret experimental spectra, particularly in materials with strong electron-hole interactions or in 2D materials which are known to feature strong excitons.