
Garfinkel C., Lawrence Z., Butler A., Dunn-Sigouin E. etal., 2024: A process-based evaluation of biases in extratropical stratosphere-troposphere coupling in subseasonal forecast systems. submitted to Weather and Climate Dynamics.

Siew P.Y.F.,  Li C., Sobolowski S.P., Dunn-Sigouin E.,  and Ting M., 2024: Circulation responses to surface heating and implications for polar amplification. submitted to Weather and Climate Dynamics.

Bremer S.,  Meisch S., Hempel M., Dunn-Sigouin E., 2024: Adapting seasonal beekpeeing patterns in Western Norway. submitted to Time and Society.

Outten et al. (including Dunn-Sigouin E.), 2023: Reconciling conflicting evidence for the cause of the observed early 21st century Eurasian cooling. Weather and Climate Dynamics.

Woollings et al. (including Dunn-Sigouin E.), 2023: The role of Rossby waves in polar weather and climate. Weather and Climate Dynamics.

Simmonds E. et al. (including Dunn-Sigouin E.), 2022: Insights into the quantification and reporting of model-related uncertainty across different disciplines. iScience.

Meisch S.P., Hempel M., Bremmer S.  and Dunn-Sigouin E. 2022: Changing beekeeping seasons in Vestland, Norway. I: Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility. Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Lawrence et al. (including Dunn-Sigouin E.), 2022: Quantifying stratospheric biases and identifying their potential sources in subseasonal forecast systems.  Weather and Climate Dynamics.

Dunn-Sigouin E., Li C., Kushner P., 2021: Limited influence of localized tropical sea surface temperatures on moisture transport into the Arctic. Geophysical Research Letters. [code]

Chen X.,  Luo D., Wu Y., Dunn-Sigouin E. and Lu J., 2021: Nonlinear response of atmospheric blocking to early winter Barents-Kara seas warming: An idealized study. Journal of Climate.

Dunn-Sigouin E. and Shaw T., 2020: Dynamics of anomalous stratospheric eddy heat flux events in an idealized model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences.

Domeisen D., Butler A., Charlton-Perez A., Ayarzaguena B., Baldwin M.,  Dunn-Sigouin E., et al. 2020: The role of the stratosphere in subseasonal to seasonal prediction . Part I: predictability of the stratosphere. JGR atmospheres.

Domeisen D., Butler A., Charlton-Perez A., Ayarzaguena B., Baldwin M.,  Dunn-Sigouin E., et al. 2020: The role of the stratosphere in subseasonal to seasonal prediction . Part II: predictability arising from stratosphere-troposphere coupling. JGR atmospheres.

Dunn-Sigouin E. and Shaw T., 2018: Dynamics of extreme stratospheric negative heat flux events in an idealized model, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences.

Booth J., Dunn-Sigouin E., Pfahl S., 2017: The relationship between extratropical cyclone steering and blocking along the North American East coast, Geophysical Research Letters.


Barnes E.A., Dunn-Sigouin E., Masato G., Woollings T., 2014: Exploring recent trends in Northern Hemisphere blocking, Geophysical Research Letters

Dunn-Sigouin E. and Son S-W, 2013: Northern Hemisphere blocking frequency and duration in the CMIP5 models, Journal of Geophysical Research

Dunn-Sigouin E., Son S-W, Lin H., 2013: Evaluation of Northern Hemisphere blocking climatology in the Global Environment Multiscale model, Monthly Weather Review