Ethical and economic issues of artificial intelligence

MA Political Ideas in a Digital Age

CY Cergy Paris Université

Welcome to Ethical and economic issues of artificial intelligence, part of the Masters in Political Ideas in a Digital Age at CY Cergy Paris Université.

Instructor: Marcus Pivato, UFR Économie et Gestion, CY Cergy Paris Université.

Classe times: Mondays 16h00-19h00.

Location: Salle BS01-01 in the FMSH building (54 Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris).

Here is the course outline.

Here is some Advice for writing term papers.

Here is the video of the introductory lecture (from 2021).

Here are the slides for the introductory lecture.

Here is the video lecture on Basic economics of AI and labour markets (from 2021).

Here are the slides for Basic economics of AI and labour markets.

Here is the glossary of economics terminology for the Korinek-Stiglitz paper.

Here is the video lecture on the economics glossary and on the Korinek-Stiglitz paper (from 2021).

Here are the slides on the economics glossary and on the Korinek-Stiglitz paper.

Primary Literature

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, edited by S. Matthew Liao (Oxford University Press, 2020)

(Paperback version available for 31.75€ from online booksellers.)

(Please refer to the subpages Ethics of AI and Economics of AI for lists of supplementary literature.)