The Cast

The Cast, in order of first appearance.

Magistra Fiana of Clare

Magistra Fiana of Clare is a poet, storyteller, singer, and scholar. Among other things, she performed in Beowulf the Event, Beowulf the Roadshow, and Njal's Saga the Event. She often teaches poetry and story-telling.

M. Wendy Hennequin is a Professor of English and Women's Studies at Tennessee State University. She specializes in medieval literature and has published several articles on Beowulf, but teaches everything from Gilgamesh to Shakespeare to Jesus Christ Superstar and Harry Potter. She was also the academic adviser and consulting translator of Beowulf the Event and Beowulf the Roadshow.

Baroness Jenevra de Carvalhal

Baroness Christina Jenevra de Carvalhal, Companion of the Order of the Laurel, known as Jenevra, is a bookbinder, herbalist, and young bard. Jenevra performed in El Cid and Njal's Saga, and also spends a good deal of time working 'backstage'.

Christine Connors is a high-tech librarian and thespian who is grateful she gets to indulge in the geekier parts of her life in the Modern Middle Ages.

Consul Tindal

We are honored to welcome Consul Magnus Tindal, Sovereign of the East, to the troupe of performers for Beowulf the Ethereal Event.

Chiara da Montepulciano

THL Chiara da Montepulciano comes from a 16th c family of wine makers and merchants. After becoming curious about faith, Chiara travelled to the Desert for 10 years where she found a holy man who taught her how to Dispatch the Demiurgus to Demonte. A former King’s Bard of the East and Kingdom Bard of Ealdormere, she is recently returned to her family’s estates where she helps with the merchanting business and occasionally writes poetry and plays while waiting out the plague.

Ely T runs a health practice on an Island in Eastern Ontario. Ely has dipped her toes into producing, directing and even acting, and currently produces a monthly radio segment for their local station on CAM health care in the community while waiting out the plague.

Master Owen Alun

Owen Alun, O.L., is a 13th Century Cornishman who went to the University of Paris before returning home to teach in the external school at the local priory. In between school terms, he wanders the wilds of Northshield as a minstrel, poet, and storyteller. In his youth he created an event called Bardic Madness.

Ben Tucker lives near Minneapolis, MN and is fascinated by anything having to do with words and performance, the role of narrative in social (and other) discourse, and how communities come to define and organize themselves.

Master Dahrien Cordell

The (Wrong and) Honorable Master Dahrien Cordell, O.P. and Oh No!, is (nominally) a 13th century Saxon from England who enjoys being the center of good attention. He is well known for playing Beowulf in the "Beowulf The Event" series, his audiences, and the fool.

Carlos Vigil is a 20th & 21st century American from Wisconsin who enjoys being the center of good attention. He is well known for playing Dahrien Cordell, his audiences, and the fool.

Hannah Ringler

Hannah Ringler is a poet, teacher, and gardener who lives and works in Durham, North Carolina.

Lucas Abernathy

Lucas Abernathy/Erik D. Hall (Asst. Director/Performer) –Erik has been teaching English and theater at various levels in Piscataway, NJ for 19 years and performing and directing theater for over 35 years. At PHS, he is the director of the Musical and the Drama Club. Recently Erik has directed The Explorers Club for Circle Players and Co-Directed the Zoom performance of Gawain and the Green Knight for the Mid-Realm and for the last 20 years Erik has been acting, directing and writing for area Renaissance Festivals primarily with Period Productions. In addition to performance and directing, Erik is also an area Fight Choreographer who works with NJ community theaters. He would also like to thank his wife Christie and children Jacob, Phoebe, and Connor for their love and support.

Mistress Judith FitzHenry

Mistress Judith Fitzhenry is a former Queen’s Bard of the East. She is a street minstrel, a teller of funny tales, a singer and sometime musician.

Dyanna Flynn, in addition to doing the above things, is also sometimes a home care nurse.

Madam Ursula Mortimer

Madam Ursula Mortimer is an English poet from a family once very close to the throne, but lately fallen on lean times. To restore her fortunes, she has taken service with Dr. Henry Best, a wizard sometimes in favor at court. She lives in London in the 1590s.

Michelle Hartz is a writer and editor of educational materials, a poet, and a performer in theatre, music, and the variety arts.

Master Cerian Cantwr

Cerian Cantwr is a bard in the mid-15th century. He can be found wandering the land entertaining the populace with song, story, and poem. He is the Bard Wrangler for the Known World Cooks and Bards (2019), and is the retired provost for Mid-Realm Bardic Madness.

Charles Grab is an independent computer consultant in the early 21st century. He can be found wandering the land building databases, applications, and system designs.

Ealawynn Mæru

Photo by Cecilia Jaeger / Baroness Cassair Warwick

Lady Ealawynn Mæru (alias Ela) is a seventh-century Northumbrian Angle. She spends most of her days spinning, dyeing, weaving, and sewing, while her evenings are spent in song on the lyre. She is currently the King’s Bard of Atlantia and Minister of Arts and Sciences for the Shire of Roxbury Mill.

Elysse Meredith is an educator, musician, artist, and general sheep enthusiast. She received her PhD in Medieval Studies in 2012 from the University of Edinburgh, where she focused on the interpretation of color and clothing in 14th-century French and English literature and art history. You can find more of her work at

Gwendolyn the Graceful, Brehyres (OL)

Gwendolyn the Graceful, Brehyres (OL) is a founder of the Æthelmearc Kingdom College of Bards, Sylvan Bard Emeritus, and "chick who wrote that Scarlet monstrosity." Past SCA theatrical credits include: Medea ("Medea", Known World Players), Rosalind ("As you Like It," KWP), Njall's Saga, and Beowulf the Event. A former subject of the Midrealm (Thistle and Mynydd Seren), and longtime subject of Thescorre and Greater Æthelmearc, Gwen currently resides in the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands.

Lee C. Hillman / Lee Carter Browne is an author, editor, actor, singer, dancer, and fan creator. Lee currently lives in Pittsburgh, where he/she gets paid to work for a healthcare provider.

THL Hilla Stormbringer

Self-headshot of Hilla, her long auburn hair down, sporting a small smile.

THL Hilla Stormbringer can be seen (or at least heard) at events, singing, singing, singing, causing mischief and mayhem, and random telling of stories. Her persona is a later 6th-century scop from Mercia. She is the current Bard of the Midlands (in the Midrealm) and is apprenticed to Master Cerian Cantwr.

Pam Wolff is a singer and songwriter and poet outside of the SCA as well. She has loved the story of Beowulf since she was a child and is absolutely thrilled to be included in this performance.

THL Llywelyn Glyndyverdwy

Llywellyn in partial profile, with glasses, looking behind the camera.

THL Llywelyn Glyndyverdwy (also known as Llywelyn Glyndwr) is a 16th Century Welshman making a living on the fringes of the Elizabethan theater scene. He enjoys visiting other times and cultures with his lady, Juliane Bechaumpe.

Mark Cipra is a retired information technology professor.

Hanne Madeleine Paine

Hanne Madeleine Paine came to this project through her love of unusual languages. She teaches a fictional language from science fiction show The Expanse, and is a student of Tolkien’s languages and languages from humanity’s real past and present. She also enjoys epic poetry from many cultures, with four translations of Beowulf on her bookshelf, though this will be her first experience performing it. Hanne Madeleine’s acting background is primarily in immersive theatre, with 5 years of character acting and storytelling at a space simulation camp, in small musical theatre productions, and in short films based on classic science fiction. She looks forward to visiting the past through Beowulf and future productions with this wonderful team.

Syr Culann mac Cianain, Viscount

Culann in a dark tunic, facing front, arms crossed.

Viscount Syr Culann mac Cianain is probably best known for heavy weapon fighting, and shield-painting. He spent time in Oertha, where he was Prince, before returning to the East. This his first appearance in an ensemble storytelling performance.

Mundanely, he is a graphic designer, illustrator, husband and dad of 3 daughters, 2 cats and a very large dog.

Catherine Montgomery

Catherine Montgomery, painter of canvas, illustrator of biological tomes. Dancer of the Flurry, bicyclist of Hagadorn Hill. Hiker and climber of Ithaca's great water cascades. Grove tender of the succulent shrine. Ornithological surveyor and capturer of the dawn-image. Prime host of earworm contagion and song learner. Career maker of recreation therapy and love gifter.

Duke Frederick of Holland, MSCA

Photo of Flieg in a blue tunic, wide-brimmed hat and white baldric.

Frederick of Holland is a loyal subject of the Crown of the West with no particular persona beyond that. He is a Master at Arms, Duke, Pelican, Laurel, and a bunch of other stuff. He has written songs and poems since AS 8 and has served as Bard of the West and Bard of the Mists. He was at the first tournament. He also answers to Flieg.

Flieg (Frederick Hollander) is a retired X-ray Crystallographer who worked at U.C. Berkeley. He has finally gotten around to publishing his fantasy novels on Amazon Kindle.

Ingrid Ringler

Ingrid Ringler is an on-call doctor for wind turbines and likes capoeira, stories, and Norse things. She appeared in Njal’s Saga and is excited to be a part of this newest production of Beowulf.

Mistress Sabine de Kerbriant

Baroness Sabine de Kerbriant, OL, is probably best known in the SCA as a musician and co-director of the Bhakaili Branslers. She is a former Queen's Bard, and currently serving as bardic champion of the Barony of Bhakail. When not making music, she likes to herald courts, shoot archery, and ogle old books.

Wendy Gale is a rare book cataloguer who lives just outside of Philadelphia. She is half of the early music duo Rondelay, and has previously played and recorded with bands including Burlap Lute and Terra Serpentis.

Mistress Aneleda of Falconbridge

Photo by Jennifer Guyton

Aneleda Falconbridge is performer from the Barony of Endewearde in the East Kingdom. Favorite roles include an amorous sausage person (and other amorous roles) in "Gargantua" with i Sebastiani, cast member of The Saga of Burnt Niall, and most recently the Second Gravedigger in the Zoom production of Hamlet. She is known best in the Society as a singer-songwriter performing both historic and subcultural folk works. Her music can be found at

Monique Bouchard is a historic interpreter who preforms tours as Maine's infamous 19th century madam Fan Jones and occasionally leads tours around an historic cemetery in the dark.

J Hunter

J HUNTER is the producer & host of "Jazz2K @ The Saint", a weekly look at 21st-century jazz, on WVCR 88.3 / Albany NY, and is a staff writer with the regional arts site Nippertown ( He has appeared onstage in the Capital Region with Collar City Players, Schenectady Civic Players, and RPI Players. Beowulf will be J's third Zoom performance this year, following roles in Hamlet and Gawain and the Green Knight.

THL Bugga Bilibit æ Elediche

Bugga Bilibit æ Elediche is best known for leading the Pilgrimage Project at Pennsic this past seven or eight years. She leads an intrepid group of passionate singers around camp the Tuesday of War Week singing through songs from the LLibre Vermell de Montserrat and the Cantigas de Santa Maria. Currently she is working on a podcast about the Cantigas. She is a proud resident of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands in the kingdom of Æthelmearc.

Kathryn Kane is a massage therapist currently unemployed due to the virus, and knitting all the things, as well as studying Spanish, movement meditation, and working on that podcast with Bugga.

Hersir Torvaldr Torgarson

Torvaldr sitting forward in a clasped cloak holding a seax.

Hersir Torvaldr Torgarson is a 9th Century Dane from Skaugnir, a small village south east of Viborg on the coast of Jutland. He was trained as a skald by his grandfather who was a skald in the service of King Horik I of Denmark. His journeys ranged from Iceland in the West, to Kiev in the East, and Miklagard (Constantinople) in the Southeast.

Torvaldr joined the SCA in 1981 in the Shire, then Barony, of Vinhold, Principality of the Mists, Kingdom of the West. He moved to the Barony of the Cleftlands in Midrealm for a short time before moving on to Aethelmearc where he has lived for nearly 10 years. He currently lives in the shire of Hunter’s Home.

Duchess Thyra Eiriksdottir

Duchess Thyra Eiriksdottir is a Danish scribe (among other arts) and a penchant for dancing at the slightest provocation. Storytelling is close enough to public speaking to be inside her bailiwick.

Karen Veale studied the Norse sagas in college, studied Old Norse in grad school, but works in pharma, because SCIENCE.

Kari Garanhirsson

Kari, son of Syr Garanhir of Ness, is an apprentice of Mistress Zsof. A two time Bardic kingdom champion of the Midrealm and recipient the Eastern Golden Lyre.

Kari is a Viking age historian and reenactor as well as armoured combatant.

Master Grim the Skald

Master Grim the Skald is a resident of the East Kingdom, an able rapier fighter, and occasional Royal Bard. He has a love of performance in general and poetry in particular. Grim performed in Beowulf the Event, Beowulf the Roadshow, and Njal's Saga.

Dan Marsh spends far too much time on his hobbies, but loves them too much to spend less.

Maestra Ana de Guzmán

Agnete Jessupsdottir looks a great deal like Maestra Ana de Guzmán in a smokkr. (Perhaps her mother was snatched off the shores of the Iberian peninsula?) She resides in the East Kingdom in the Shire of Rusted Woodlands. She is always drawn to cultures that take their poetry seriously. She has been careful when she attends "campfires" of late, staying one step ahead of this cursed plague. Ana de Guzmán has been a King's Bard for Andreas II, and Queen's Bard for Gabriella I. She has also performed in La Poema de Mio Cid and Njal's Saga, and in the now-prophetic A Day of the Decameron.

Ana Keveney has been laid off and is laying low due to the pandemic. She has been a proofreader, copy editor, and customer service representative for various employers as a contractor, and is waiting for the next work-from-home contract to land in her lap.

Magistra Iselda de Narbonne

Magistra Iselda de Narbonne resides in the Kingdom of Atlantia, in the Shire of Roxbury Mill. She is a bard and poet who plays the harp and the lyre. She is also the director of the Roxbury Mill Shire Quire (on hiatus due to COVID), and the online choral group Falsa Musica.

Alix Evans lives with her family in the DC suburbs, where she publishes music and educational videos related to medieval and renaissance music. You can find her work at her Patreon, YouTube channel, and Facebook page.

Goði Fridrikr Tomasson

Goði Fridrikr Tomasson is a 13th century Icelander, living near Reykholt. In the SCA, he lives in the Barony of Thescorre, Kingdom of Æthelmearc.

Tom Ireland-Delfs is a retired teacher, recent grad student, and aspiring doctoral student. He is a father and a grandfather of two (with a third on the way). He lives with his wife, Orilee, and two cats, in Newark, NY.

Sir Michael of York

Sir Michael of York is a 13th century knight in the service of King Henry III. In the SCA, Sir Michael is a storyteller and researcher from the Barony of Carolingia in the East Kingdom. He is sometimes known for his excessive devotion to the works of Matthew Paris, a 13th century Benedictine monk known for his chronicles.

In the real world, Michael Tighe lives in Arlington with his family and is a software developer.

Baroness Audrye Beneyt

Baroness Audrye Beneyt found her love for voice heraldry in 2013 when Endewearde became a Barony. With a love of crafting magic, Audrye has worked behind the thrones of several reigns and currently serves as Eastern Crown Herald in the East Kingdom. When not heralding, Audrye is a scribe with a focus on illumination, and is just beginning to dabble in bardic arts.

Danielle Hunt currently lives in Massachusetts with her two children, two dogs, two cats, and two fish. Yes, it is a menagerie.

Baron Breddelwyn ap Taliesin

Baron Breddelwyn ap Taliesin is a wayward son of well-known 6th C. bard.

Michael Peterson is retired and living in Indianapolis.

Mistress Morgana

Morgana has been in the SCA since 1977, and has been a storyteller and poet for most of that time. She has been a list mistress, head of a Bardic College, and Royal Bard. She has served the Pennsic War for 20 years in many roles, including as Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and head of the Troll Booth. Morgana appeared in Beowulf The Road Show.  Her work has been released on CD's, and her poem, Huginn Saga, will soon be released, pandemic permitting.

Carole Shieber is a retired medical secretary, hardware salesperson, professional driver, and bar maid. 

Efenwealt Wystle

A minstrel by trade, and a fool in his sparetime; Efenwealt is a jongleur in the entourage of Robert de Beaumont, 3rd Earl of Leicester. His French is rather iffy, but at least he’s enthusiastic and works cheap. And let’s face it; Leicester can't really afford someone better. In the SCA he is a multi-instrumentalist, singer/songwriter, recording artist/producer, manger of mischief, merchant, and instigator of shenanigans.

When not playing SCA he masquerades as Scott Vaughan, a mild-mannered, healthcare communications expert for pharma industry sponsored clinical research studies. In his real life, he sings and performs with the internationally renown, filk/wizard-rock ensemble, the Blibbering Humdingers (

Ollaṁ Brendan O Corraidhe

Ollaṁ Brendan O Corraidhe, OL, (AH-liv BREN-dan oh COR-ee) is a 10th-century Irish fellow. Born to poor parents, he was left at a monastery as an infant. There he learned to read and write, and developed a talent for storytelling and music. Like many contemporary Irish monks he was sent to Europe to evangelize the heathens on the Continent. Eventually he found himself in the Current Middle Ages about AS XIV.

Corrie Bergeron teaches college teachers how to teach with technology.

THL Bertana of Cissanbyrig

Bertana of Cissanbyrig is a 10th Century Anglo-Saxon woman who sews, embroiders and occasionally disappears on long walks to gather herbs.

Maggi Buckler is a fitness professional & outdoors enthusiast who has not done any sort of acting since High School, which is further in the past than she cares to admit.

Cedar the Barefoot

Cedar-san Barefoot is a singer and storyteller, and a former Baronial Bardic Champion of Concordia of the Snows in the East Kingdom.

Lady Celia Le Fleur

Lady Celia Le Fleur resides in the Barony of Flaming Gryphon in the Middle Kingdom (Dayton, Ohio). She has been involved in the SCA performing arts community for over 15 years, primarily writing for and performing Commedia Del Arte with IScandali (Middle Kingdom) and Commedia All-Stars (Pennsic). She also wrote and performed a joint production between IScandali and IFerenzi (Atlantia) at the first Known World Commedia Symposium, was in the Original cast of Forbidden Pennsic and has been known to do a bit of singing at bardic circles.

Erica Harrah currently works as a contributing writer for the Dayton Daily News and has participated in theater productions both in school as well as community theater. She recently participated series of Zoom improv shows entitled, “Whose Election is it Anyway.”

THL Juliane Bechaumpe

Juliane Bechaumpe — is primarily a storyteller and Harper who calls Elizabethan era London home. She also spends much time traveling to other cultures to collect stories and information about useful plants. Juliane had the honor of serving as Bardic Champion for the second reign of Runa and Eikbrandr, along with her Lord, Llywelyn Glyndyverdwy.

Ann Fairhurst — is a former dancer turned non-profit professional who recently retired after serving as a Program Officer for a community foundation. She is still active as an arts educator and advocate.

Duke Eliahu ben Itzhak

Duke Eliahu ben Itzhak, KSCA, OP, was born in Firenze, and currently lives in the Middle Kingdom. He has previously lived in Meridies and AEthelmearc. In addition to studying and teaching the arts martial, he is a painter.

Joseph B. Radding is a university lecturer on marketing, advertising, creative strategy, and design, and is a consultant, designer, painter, and author. He has served on the SCA Board of Directors. He podcasts at

Mistress Aífe ingen Conchobair in Derthaige

Mistress Aífe ingen Conchobair in Derthaige is a longtime performer in the SCA. Most recently, she directed & acted in a production of Hamlet, sponsored by the East Kingdom and still available on the East Kingdom youtube channel. She has participated in Njal's Saga and the Decameron; and was an assistant or codirector in earlier productions of Beowulf. She would like to thank her husband Joel and her daughter Saoirse for their support.

Mistress Anne of Framlingham

Anne of Framlingham is a storyteller, dancer, actor, baker, mischief maker, mother of two, and Camp Mom of many.

Anne Rookey is an IT geek who works in higher education, belly dance teacher, political activist, and happy mother and wife.

Mesterno Tyzes Sofia called Zsof

Zsof is best known as the founder of the Known World Players. When not acting and directing, she tells stories of the Magyar and knits.

Karoline Kramer is an actress, singer, and ukelele player who also happens to have a day job involving project management, website design, and writing code.

THL Emer nic Aiden

THL Emer nic Aidan, from Ealdormere is the composer of Come and be Welcome and other popular oft-sung songs. She is well-known for performances at The Pennsic War and Gulf War, and appeared in Beowulf the Roadshow.

Emily Holbert is a Celtic recording artist.

Master Peregrine

Master Peregrine the Illuminator is a woodworker and painter from Kells, Ireland in 810, helping the monks who illuminate manuscripts.

Pellegrino d’Illuminatore is a weaver and storyteller from Florence in 1490, known for his Perugia linens.

Michael Moore is a Data Governance Analyst from the Boston area in 2020, researching many obscure crafts and topics, and improving his storytelling skills through Toastmasters and SCA Bardic activities, including performing in Beowulf the Event and the Gawain and the Green Knight Zoom performance.

Lord Drake Oranwood

Drake Oranwood is an English composer and musician in the Elizabethan era. His skills include singing, songwriting, poetry, storytelling, and the lute. He currently serves as the Consort’s Bardic Champion of the East Kingdom.

Eric Schrager (he/him) is an IT professional in his daily life. In the SCA, he is a concert performer and recording artist, best known for songs such as “Tam Lin of the Elves” and “We Are the East”.

Master Toki Skáldagörvir

Master Toki Skáldagörvir, OL was the Artistic Director of Beowulf the Event in the East, Beowulf the Roadshow at Pennsic, and Njal's Saga in AEthelmearc.

Michael Dixon works in health insurance. His theatre experience is on the technical side, having worked as stagehand for Proctor's Schenectady and IATSE Local 14, as Assistant Master Electrician on a national tour of Singin' in the Rain, Assistant Technical Director for the Portsmouth Music Hall, and as Master Electrician for the Mark Twain Musical Drama.