The Ethan Allen Long Rifles - Active Units

Members of the EALR are eligible to join any of the recreated units.  There currently are four active units.   They cover the French and Indian and Revolutionary War time periods and also civilian colonial life in North America in the last half of the 18th century.      

We promote safety and accuracy in the use of muzzle loading firearms along with public awareness of the living history of our early colonial and American heritage through education, demonstrations, recreation and reenactment conducted as authentically as possible.  Some members like to try their hand at more than one group.   

You must be a member of the EALR in order to participate with any of these groups.  Please contact the individual groups for more information. 

La Compagnie de Langis

La Compagnie de Langis (Langis' Company) is a New England(+NY)-based living history group portraying one of the ad-hoc companies led by by Ensign Jean-Baptiste Levrault de Langis Montegron during the French and Indian War (1754-1763). We also portray French Canadian and Native women and families as well as civilians who may depict trades, crafts, or other 18th century techniques. All of us strive to be as historically correct as we reasonably can, we are always trying to improve, and we enjoy talking with and educating the public about history as we continue to gather new skills and discover more about our time period. On the battlefield, we tend to move quickly and fire in pairs, and at our campsite, our set-up is minimal because we demonstrate the way our company would be while on campaign. Our goals are to safely and accurately represent the past while interacting with the public, learning from each other, and having fun.

Point of Contact:   Aaron Marquis, Ensign de Marine:   CompagnieDeLangis[at]


La Troupes de la Pointe a la Chevelue

Les Troupes de la Pointe a la Chevelure is a French and Indian War portrayal consisting of French Marines and Canadian Militia (Milice).  The marines are a regular, uniformed military unit while the milice are "habitants", a local mandatory militia unit led by a local "capitaine", not to be confused with the American militia.   Each of the two portrayals operates as a separate unit at reenactments.   The original unit was based out of Pointe a la Chevelure (Crown Point, VT and Crown Point, NY).  The recreated unit portrays the militia from the Fort St. Frederick area called up to defend Nouvelle France.

Point of Contact:  Mike Skelly: mssgn[at]


Colonel Seth Warner's Extra-Continental Regiment

Colonel Seth Warner’s Extra-Continental Regiment was the only Continental Regiment principally raised from Vermont and played a notable role in stopping Burgoyne’s invasion of New York.   The Regiment currently consists of the Regimental Field & Staff of Captain Hopkins’ (1st) Company and a Distaff of civilian camp followers, all operating under a unified command.  It portrays the Regiment as authorized on 5 July 1776 and how it went into battle during the summer of 1777.   Warner’s Regiment is a member unit of the Continental Line. 

Point of Contact:    Cliff Mullen, Commander of Hopkins’ Company:  commandant[at]


Bauman's Company, 2nd Continental Artillery

The recreated 2nd Continental Artillery Regiment is a volunteer group seeking to honor the patriots of the Revolutionary War's original regiment and educate the public by reenacting. The original Bauman’s Company was authorized October 28, 1775 and recruited in NY. Organized in NYC from December 1775 to May 1776. Part of the unit went with Benedict Arnold and Richard Montgomery to Quebec where it was captured December 31, 1775.  On August 24th, 1782 the 2nd Artillery was reassigned to the Highlands Department. It was reduced to two companies June 11th, 1783 and disbanded January 1st 1784 except Doughty’s company who remained in the United States army at West Point.

Point of Contact: Mike Companion: mscompanion[at]


La Milice de St. Anne (Pending)

La Milice de Sainte Anne strives to portray the everyday life of an 18th century habitant in New France. Organized as a Milice unit for French and Indian War-era military encampments, we also research and attempt to "live" the customs of everyday civilian life. Some of our members study and portray aspects of agrarian life in the era; others put an emphasis on the frontier trade between Montreal and Albany. We are a progressive but supportive and welcoming unit that emphasizes not just historical accuracy, but also the respectful portrayal of "les Canadians" and their way of life. 

Point of Contact: Shane Nauss, Unit Administrator: