Daily Dose of Goodness

Raghu Guda

A Brief

As the world comes to an almost standstill in 2020, we all have realized the impact of powers beyond our control that can make our greatest human advancements bleak. It is in this environment, with the new found time of slow down, this attempt is to dig deep into the ancient wisdom that has some great telling tales of the origins of the world, many a calamities that have come over the eons and shaped our humanity.

The site and the podcasts are a humble effort to bring some of the most revered texts like Srimad Bhagavatha Mahapurana, Srimad Ramayana, Shiva Maha Purana, Devi Bhagavatha etc., to the modern society that has no time to step aside from the otherwise hectic schedule of work and family and has a greater difficulty to grapple the complex language. The readout of the books is an attempt to relay the direct benefit of energy the sounds of the holy texts bring about and the closing summaries are an attempt to demystify the texts in the current world context where applicable.

As a huge disclaimer, the site and the podcasts are not a personal bias to any person, religion or faith. The opinions if any are just in context of the text and the books being referred. Hope this attempt will be viewed and patronized with a big heart to pardon any mistakes that reflect the inabilities or in-competencies to decode and present the true essence of the divine texts that have enriched humanity. This attempt can be a huge success if can influence the reader/listener attention to a mere 20 seconds on the subject and takes them closer to the Supreme Power and bliss.

Lokah Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu (May the World be in Blissful Peace & Joy)