Etera Livine



Professor of Theoretical Physics - Directeur de Recherche CNRS

Quantum Gravity - Quantum Fields - Relativity - Mathematical Physics

Laboratoire de Physique LP ENSL - ENS Lyon
46 Allée d'Italie. 69007 Lyon. France

office: M1.139 (Site Monod)
phone: +33/0

Member and co-Founder of the International Society for Quantum Gravity

Quantum Gravity is the outstanding challenge in theoretical physics of understanding the gravitational interaction at all scales of length and energy. Technically, it is about understanding the UV completion of General Relativity at very high energies, and the renormalization group flow determining the quantum corrections to classical gravity in the IR at large distances. With natural applications to the early universe physics in Cosmology and the dynamics of compact objects in Astrophysics, it also offers a large interface with Quantum physics, especially through the study of gravity at very small distances and its intriguing interplay with coherence and decoherence phenomena. With both the measurements of gravitational waves and the rise of condensed matter analogues and quantum simulations of gravitational systems, we are on the verge of entering an exciting era of possible quantum gravity experiments.

With a broad interest in all Quantum Gravity things, ideas and approaches, my work has mostly focussed on loop quantum gravity, spinfoam path integrals, topological field theory, non-commutative geometry, symmetries of general relativity and quantum information aspects of quantum gravity.

Scientific Publications :