
Conferences & Outreach

Loops' 24 International conference 

May 6-10, 2024

Fort Lauderdale, Florida (USA)

Organized by Jonathan Engle and Muxin Han (Florida Atlantic University)

Loops‘24 is the most recent in a long tradition of biennial meetings focused on loop quantum gravity and background independent approaches to quantum gravity, happening from May 6 - May 10, 2024, at Florida Atlantic University and Broward County Main Library in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. 


The conference will highlight recent developments in canonical loop quantum gravity, covariant loop quantum gravity (spin foams), and other approaches to quantum gravity, as well as applications to symmetry-reduced models, quantum cosmology, black holes in quantum gravity, and other topics. Foundational, mathematical, numerical, and phenomenological aspects will be covered.

Contributed Talk : Spinfoam: Bulk from Boundary  [pdf]

Public Lecture (French)  - Gravitation Quantique

2 et 9 Avril 2024

Organized by Hubert HANSEN from Ip2i at the Université Ouverte de Lyon I

Two public lectures (website here):

Public Lecture (French)  - Introduction à la Relativité Générale  [pdf]

16 Janvier 2024

Cycle Astrophysique: Cosmologie & Ondes Gravitationnelles

(link to BBC video on free fall)

Organized by the Université Ouverte de Lyon I et l'Ip2i

La relativité générale est notre théorie actuelle de la gravitation, confirmée expérimentalement par une multitude de mesures en astrophysique. Je débuterai avec la notion de relativité en physique, qui reflète le fait que différents observateurs peuvent mesurer des distances et des durées différentes pour les mêmes évènements. Je montrerai comment cela mène à un espace-temps à géométrie courbe et ouvre la porte à comprendre la gravitation d'une manière totalement différente que la loi de la gravitation universelle de Newton. Cela nous amènera à une phénoménologie nouvelle, à base de lentilles gravitationnelles, de dilatation temporelle, de trous noirs et d'ondes gravitationnelles. Plein d'effets fascinants que l'on peut observer pour de vrai aujourd'hui!

  Poster    -   Programme Complet


26-28 July 2023
iTHEMS, RIKEN (Wako, Japan)

Spinfoam path integrals for Quantum Gravity
- a local picture of quantum geometry from topological field theory

At the crossroads of several approaches to quantum gravity, Spinfoams propose a discrete path integral for quantum general relativity built from topological field theory. With the spectrum of geometric operators directly read from the representation theory of the local symmetry group, they can be interpreted as a quantized version of Regge calculus and can be understood as implementing the dynamics of quantum states geometry in loop quantum gravity. I will explain the basics of the formalism, the motivations, the mathematical framework and the main tools. In three space-time dimensions, the spinfoam quantization of 3d gravity is given by the Turaev-Viro topological invariant, which is intimately related to the quantization of Chern-Simons theory. I will explain in particular how the spinfoam amplitudes solve the Wheeler-de Witt equation, implement the invariance under 3d diffeomorphisms (despite being formulated in a discretized space-time) and lead to a quasi-local version of holography. In four space-time dimensions, general relativity can be formulated as an almost-topological theory and I will explain how the existing spinfoam models introduce a sea of topological defects to re-create the gravitational degrees of freedom from a topological path integral. Finally, I will show how spinfoams are naturally defined in terms of group field theory, which are generalized tensor models, and the prospects that this opens. I will conclude with the main challenges and open lines of research of the field.

Since the idea appeared in black hole physics, the concept of holography has become a guiding principle for quantum gravity. It is the notion that the dynamics of the geometry of a region of space-time can be entirely encoded in a theory living on its boundary. Although such holographic dualities have been well-developed in an asymptotical context, it remains a challenge to realize it exactly at finite distances. I will draw a possible route in 3d quantum gravity, by showing a duality between the Ponzano-Regge path integral for 3d quantum gravity as a topological field theory and the 2d (inhomogeneous) Ising model. This leads to an intriguing geometrical interpretation of the Ising critical couplings and opens the door to a possibly rich interplay between 3d quantum gravity and 2d condensed matter built out of holographic dualities.

Basics of Quantum Gravity

June-Oct 2023

Organizing Committee:
J Borissova, A Castro, G Franzmann, E Livine, L Petruzziello, D Rajbhandari, VH Satheeshkumar

The Basics of Quantum Gravity online school is a series of lectures on the key concepts and techniques involved in the research of Quantum Gravity. It is dedicated to young researchers who are tackling this great challenge in theoretical physics. The goal is to bridge several paths and approaches to quantum gravity and provide young researchers with the tools to work on all of these frameworks and utilize various formalisms.

The launching lecture for this event will take place on May 16th. The event will run throughout Europe's spring and summer of 2023, featuring lectures on String Theory, Loop Gravity, the perturbative and non-perturbative renormalization flow of General Relativity, and quantum information in Gravity. Additional lectures on other topics will be planned for the fall and winter.

This is an initiative by the International Society for Quantum Gravity. It will be followed by a series of workshops on more advanced topics.

Lecture videos available on the IsQG YouTube channel

Savoir Pour Tous 

30 mars 2023

Université de la Polynésie Française

Couverture médiatique par Tahiti Info et Hine

Organisée par l'Université de la Polynésie Française et l'Association ProScience

La mécanique quantique et la relativité générale sont nées il y a un siècle, pour décrire le monde microscopique des particules et le monde des étoiles et galaxies. Ces théories peuvent sembler mystérieuses, comme suspendues dans un brouillard de concepts étranges et d’équations techniques. On les côtoie néanmoins au quotidien, sans même sans rendre compte, dans le système GPS, les laser ou l’électronique. Aujourd’hui on entend parler de la révolution des ordinateurs quantiques ou des mesures d’ondes gravitationnelles créées par des collisions de trous noirs. Quelles en seront les enseignements, les applications ?

 Au cours de cette conférence et du débat qui la suivra, les questions de base de la mécanique quantique seront abordées et trouveront une réponse dans un langage simple. 

AnLy Strings & FieldS - 3rd MEETING

3 March 2023, ENS Lyon

Organized by the AnLy Strings & Fields group, fostering theoretical physics activities in string and field theory in Annecy and Lyon (France)

Loops' 22 Conference

18-22 July 2022

ENS Lyon

Scientific Organizing Committee :
M Geiller, E Livine, A Perez, S Speziale

Local Organizing Committee :
F Bouchneb, Q Chen, M Geiller, C Goeller, E Livine, F Sartini

The international conference Loops’ 22 will be held at the Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon (ENS Lyon) in France from Monday, July 18 through Friday, July 22, 2022. Loops’ 22 is the most recent conference in a long tradition of biannual meetings focused on loop quantum gravity and background independent approaches to quantum gravity. Initially planned in 2021 as Loops’ 21, it has been postponed by one year.

The scientific program of Loops’ 22 will highlight the recent progress and exciting developments in quantum gravity and cosmology, with a special focus on loop quantum gravity and related approaches. Remote online participation will be possible. The conference will be the opportunity for young researchers to meet the experts and leading scientists working on and around loop quantum gravity.

The conference will be preceded by the Loops’ 22 Summer School held in Marseille (France) on July 11-15, 2022. Both events are organized by the research groups at the ENS Lyon (Marc Geiller, Etera Livine) and at the CPT in Marseille (Alejandro Perez, Simone Speziale).

Loops' 22 Summer School

11-15 July 2022

CPT Marseille

Scientific Organizing Committee :
M Geiller, E Livine, A Perez, S Speziale

Local Organizing Committee :
J Münch, S Viollet, S Speziale, A Rignon-Bret, G Odak, S Ribisi

The Quantum Gravity teams of the CPT Marseille and the ENS Lyon are happy to welcome you to the Loops '22 Summer School in Marseille from 11. July to 15. July 2022. After a virtual School last year, we are looking forward to organizing this school in person at the Campus Luminy of the Aix-Marseille-Université in the beautiful parc national des calanques.

The school covers the basics of Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) and related topics, with pedagogical introductions to some of the current research directions. The lectures will introduce spin network states, the canonical and spin foam approaches to the quantum dynamics, applications to the early universe and black holes, quantum information techniques for quantum gravity, numerical methods and possible numerical lab experiments on quantum superposition of geometries.

The school aims to introduce these sparkling and vibrant research topics. It is open to both students and researchers with no a priori background in background independent quantum gravity, and to those who know already the basics and want to be brought up to date.

The school is followed by the Loops '22 conference on Loop Quantum Gravity at the ENS Lyon.
The school is supported by the Quantum Information Structure of Spacetime (QISS) consortium.

Loop Quantum Gravity
Online Summer School

7-25 June 2021

ENS Lyon

Organizors : E Livine, P Dona

This year the LQG summer school is online. We shall not have the pleasure of gathering, getting to know new people directly, and learning from one-to-one conversations, but we will do the best to make this enjoyable and fruitful.

The school covers the basics of Loop Quantum Gravity and related topics and introductions to hot research topics. These include the basics of the spin network and spin foam formalisms, applications to the early universe and black holes, group field theory and random geometry formalisms, quantum information techniques for quantum gravity, numerical methods and possible lab experiments on quantum superposition of geometries.

The school aims to introduce this sparkling and vibrant research topics. It is meant for students and researchers with no a priori background in background independent quantum gravity. All the lectures are available on the dedicated YouTube channel.

Lectures on Fundamentals:

Lectures on Advanced Topics

The Non-Local Quantum Gravity Seminar

Jan 2021 - June 2022

ENS Lyon

Organizors : E Livine, M Geiller

During the Covid-19 pandemy, we turn our group meetings at the ENS Lyon into an international series dubbed The Non-Local Quantum Gravity Seminar, covering hot topics in quantum gravity. Taking place on the Zoom Platform and broadcasted on a dedicated YouTube channel, it allowed for our group and collaborators to stay in touch and discuss about the latest progress in the field.