From Syringes to Dishes: Improving Food Securiry through Vaccination." (With E.G. Aslim, W. Fu, and S. You) NBER Working Paper No. 31045. Under revision for resubmission to Journal of Public Economics.

“The Hidden Cost of Firearm Violence on Pregnant Women and Their Infants.” (with J. Currie, B. Dursun, & M. Hatch). NBER Working Paper No. 31774.

Proximity to Abortion Services and Child Maltreatment" (with E. G. Aslim & W. Fu).

“An Equilibrium Model of the Impact of Increased Public Investment in Early Childhood Education.” (With J. Borowsky, J. H. Brown, E. E. Davis, C. R. Gibbs, C. M. Herbst, A. Sojourner, & M. Wiswall) NBER Working Paper No. 30140.

“Student Attendance in Flood Impacted Areas of Queensland, Australia: Examining School-level Differences before and after the Disaster.” (with L. Gibbs, R. Molyneaux, M. Ulubasoglu, J. Watterston, N. Callard, & S.  Cowlishaw.


      “World War II Blues: The Long–lasting Mental Health Effect of Childhood Trauma.” (with M. Akbulut-Yuksel & B. Turan) NBER Working Paper No.30284.  Revise and resubmit in The Journal of Human Resources.

“Is Online Education Working?” (with D. Altindag & E. Filiz) NBER Working Paper No. 29113.  Conditionally accepted in Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.

“Vaccination Policy, Delayed Care, and Health Expenditures.” (With E.G. Aslim, W. Fu, and C. Liu) NBER Working Paper No. 30139.  Forthcoming in The Economic Journal.

Information on Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine in the Copenhagen School Health Records Register.” (with O. Altindag, M. Anderson, & J. Greve) Forthcoming  in the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.

Exposure to Economic Distress during Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes.” (with M. Akbulut-Yuksel, S. M. Cilasun, & B. Turan). Forthcoming in Journal of Labor Research.

“How do Mass Shootings Affect Community Wellbeing?” (with A. Soni) Forthcoming in The Journal of Human Resources.


“Public Health Policy at Scale: Impact of a Government-sponsored Information Campaign on Infant Mortality in Denmark.” (with O. Altindag & J. Greve) Forthcoming in The Review of Economics and Statistics.

The Effect of Body-Worn Cameras on the Adjudication of Citizen Complaints of Police Misconduct.” (with S. Çubukçu, N. Sahin, & V. Topalli)  Justice Quarterly 40:7, (2023) 999-1023.


“Post-9/11 War Deployments Increased Crime among Veterans.” (with R. Cesur & J.J. Sabia)  Journal of Law and Economics 65, no.2 (2022), 279-310.

Socialized Healthcare and Women’s Fertility Decisions.” (with R. Cesur, P. M. Günes, & A. Ulker)  The Journal of Human Resources 58, no. 3 (2023), 1028-1055.


"Mass Shootings in the United States: Population Health Impacts and Policy Levers." (with A. Soni) Health Affairs  September 15, 2022.

"Child Access Prevention Laws and Juvenile Firearm-related Homicides." (withj D. M. Anderson & J.J. Sabia)  Journal of Urban Economics 126 (2021): 103387.

 "Child and Adolescent Psychosocial Support Programs Following Natural Disasters—a Scoping Review of Emerging Evidence." (with L. Gibbs, K. Marinkovic, J. Nursey, L. A., Tong, M. Ulubasoglu, N. Callard, S. Cowlishaw, & V. E. Cobham) Current Psychiatry Reports 23, no. 12 (2021).


“Association between Local Public Housing Authority Policies Related to Criminal Justice System Involvement and Sexually Tansmitted Infection Rates." (J. Purtle, L. T. Gebrekristos, L. Niccolai, & K. M. Blankenship)Health & Justice 9, no. 1 2021): 1-6.


"Who's Minding the Kids? Experimental Evidence on the Demand for Child Care Quality." (with J. Gordon & C. M. Herbst) Economics of Education Review 80 (2021): 102076.


"Does it Matter how and how Much Politicians are Paid?" (with D. T. Altindag & E. S. Filiz) Economica 87, no. 348 (2020): 1105-1132.


"An Estimate of the Effect of Waiting Time in the Danish Asylum System on Post-resettlement Employment among Refugees: Separating the Pure Delay Effect from the Effects of the Conditions under which Refugees are Waiting." (with C, Hvidtfeldt, M. L. Schultz-Nielsen, & M. Fosgerau) PLOS One 13, no. 11 (2018): e0206737.


"Can Natural Gas Save Lives? Evidence from the Deployment of a Fuel Delivery System in a Developing Country." (with R. Cesur & A. Ulker) Journal of Health Economics 59 (2018): 91-108.


"Medical Marijuana Laws and Workplace Fatalities in the United States." (with D. M. Anderson & D. I. Rees) International Journal of Drug Policy 60 (2018): 33-39.


“UI and SNAP as a Safety Net during the Great Recession: Evidence from Georgia." (with L. Pandey, P. Bluestone, A. Hathaway, & S.E. Larson) In Strengths of the Social Safety Net in the Great Recession: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance and Unemployment Insurance, C. J. O'Leary, D. Stevens, S. A. Wandner, & M. Wiseman, eds. Kalamazoo, MI: WE Upjohn Institute for Employment Research (2019): 207-241.


"The Effect of Community Traumatic Events on Student Achievement: Evidence from the Beltway Sniper Attacks." (with S. Gershenson) Education Finance and Policy 13, no. 4 (2018): 513-544.


Health and Health Behaviors during the Great Recession.” (with C. McClellan & K. J. Minyard) Review of Economics of the Household 16, no. 4 (2018): 1017-1026.


“Air Pollution and Infant Mortality: Evidence from the Expansion of Natural Gas Infrastructure." (with R. Cesur & A. Ulker) The Economic Journal 127, no. 600 (2017): 330-362.


“Stand Your Ground Laws, Homicides, and Injuries." (with C. McClellan) The Journal of Human Resources 52, no. 3 (2017): 621-653 (Lead article).


“The Value of Socialized Medicine: The Impact of Universal Primary Healthcare Provision on Mortality Rates in Turkey.” (with R. Cesur, P. M. Güneş, & A. Ulker) Journal of Public Economics 150 (2017): 75-93.


"Less Cash, Less Crime: Evidence from the Electronic Benefit Transfer Program." (with R. Wright, V. Topalli, C. McClellan, T. Dickenson, & R. Rosenfeld) The Journal of Law and Economics 60, no. 2 (2017): 361-383.


Fetal Malnutrition and Academic Success: Evidence from Muslim immigrants in Denmark." (with (with M. L. Schultz-Nielsen & J. Greve) Economics of Education Review 60 (2017): 20-35.


“The Impact of Child Care Subsidies on Child Development: Evidence from Geographic Variation in the Distance to Social Service Agencies.” (with C. M. Herbst) Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (2016)35(1), 94-116. 


Labor Market Effects of Intrauterine Exposure to Nutritional Deficiency: Evidence from Administrative Data on Muslim Immigrants in Denmark." (with M. L. Schultz-Nielsen & J. Greve) Economics & Human Biology 21 (2016): 196-209.


“Is There a Link between Foreclosure and Health?" (with J. Currie) American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 7, no. 1 (2015): 63-94.


"Youth Depression and Future Criminal Behavior." (with D.M. Anderson & R. Cesur) Economic Inquiry 53, no. 1 (2015): 294-317.


“Combat Exposure and Migraine Headache: Evidence from Exogenous Deployment Assignment." (with R. Cesur & J.J. Sabia) Economics & Human Biology 16 (2015): 81-99.


“Child Care Subsidies, Maternal Health, and Child–Parent Interactions: Evidence from Three Nationally Representative Datasets.” (with C.M. Herbst) Health Economics 23, no. 8 (2014): 894-916.


“Fathers and Youths’ Delinquent Behavior." (with D. Cobb-Clark) Review of Economics of the Household 12, no. 2 (2014): 327-358.


Child Care Subsidy Policy: What It Can and Cannot Accomplish.” IZA World of Labor , no. 43 (2014).


“Food Prices and Body Fatness among Youths.” (with M. Grossman & R. Wada) Economics & Human Biology 12 (2014): 4-19.


“The Psychological Costs of War: Military Combat and Mental Health.” (with R. Cesur & J.J.  Sabia) Journal of Health Economics 32, no. 1 (2013): 51-65.


“The Geographic Accessibility of Child Care Subsidies and Evidence on the Impact of Subsidy Receipt on Childhood Obesity.” (with C.M. Herbst) Journal of Urban Economics 71, no. 1 (2012): 37-52.


“Understanding the Cycle: Childhood Maltreatment and Future Crime.” (with J. Currie) The Journal of Human Resources 47, no. 2 (2012): 509-549.


“Do Child Care Subsidies Influence Single Mothers’ Decision to Invest in Human Capital?” (with C.M. Herbst) Economics of Education Review 30, no. 5 (2011): 901-912


“Child Care Subsidies and Childhood Obesity.” (with C.M. Herbst)  Review of Economics of the Household 9, no. 3 (2011): 349-378.


“Obesity, Self-esteem and Wages." (with Erdal Tekin) in Economic Aspects of Obesity. M.  Grossman & H.N. Mocan (eds.), Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 2011; pp. 349-80. 


"Child Care Choices and Childhood Obesity." (with R. Cesur & C.M. Herbst) In Current Issues in Health Economics.  R. Tchernis & D. Slottje (eds.), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2010.


“Ugly Criminals.” (with H.N. Mocan) The Review of Economics and Statistics 92, no. 1 (2010): 15-30.


“Body Composition and Wages.” (with R. Wada) Economics & Human Biology 8, no. 2 (2010): 242-254.


“Child Care Subsidies and Child Development.” (with C.M. Herbst) Economics of Education Review 29, no. 4 (2010): 618-638.


Do Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Problems Respond to Cigarette Prices?” (with L. Liang & H.N. Mocan) Southern Economic Journal 76, no. 1 (2009): 67-85.


Might not be A Tomorrow: A Multi-methods Approach to Anticipated Early Death and Youth Crime.” (with T. Brezina & V. Topalli) Criminology 47, no. 4 (2009): 1091-1129.


“Teen Smoking and Birth Outcomes.” (with M.B. Walker & S. Wallace) Southern Economic Journal 75, no. 3 (2009): 892-907.


“The Relationship between Suicidal Behavior and Productive Activities of Young

Adults.” (with S. Markowitz) Southern Economic Journal 75, no. 2 (2008): 300-331. (1st runner up for Georgescu-Roegen prize awarded for the best paper published in SEJ).


“The Determinants of the Willingness to Donate an Organ among Young Adults:

Evidence from the United States and the European Union.” (with H.N. Mocan) Social Science & Medicine 65, no. 12 (2007): 2527-2538.


“Child Care Subsidies, Wages, and Employment of Single Mothers.” The Journal of Human Resources 42, no. 2 (2007): 453-487.


The Determinants and Consequences of Child Care Subsidies for Single Mothers in the

USA.” with (D. Blau) Journal of Population Economics 20, no. 4 (2007): 719-741.


Single Mothers Working at Night: Standard Work and Child Care Subsidies.Economic Inquiry 45, no. 2 (2007): 233-250.


“Guns and Juvenile Crime.” (with H.N. Mocan) The Journal of Law and Economics 49, no. 2 (2006): 507-531.


“Catholic Schools and Bad Behavior: A Propensity Score Matching Analysis.” (with H.N. Mocan) The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 5, no. 1 (2006).


“Drugs and Juvenile Crime: Evidence from a Panel of Siblings and Twins.” (with H.N. Mocan) in Substance Use: Individual Behavior, Social Interactions, Markets, and Politics. B Lindgren & M. Grossman (eds.), Amsterdam: Elsevier (2005); pp. 91-120. 


“Child Care Subsidy Receipt, Employment, and Child Care Choices of Single Mothers.” Economics Letters 89, no. 1 (2005): 1-6.


“Employment, Wages, and Alcohol Consumption in Russia.” Southern Economic Journal 71, no. 2 (2004): 397-417.


“The Demand for Medical Care in Urban China.” (with H.N. Mocan & J.S. Zax) World Development 32, no. 2 (2004): 289-304.


“Nonprofit Sector and Part-time Work: An Analysis of Employer-Employee Matched Data on Child Care Workers.” (with H.N. Mocan) The Review of Economics and Statistics 85, no. 1 (2003): 38-50.