DIY Higher Education

Introduction to DIY Higher Ed (25 Minutes)

More and more, formal institutions are offering materials for post-secondary self-directed learning in the form of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and other similar remote learning opportunities. In this section, we will explore some of these institutional online hubs for open education where learners can go to self-direct their own education on a topic.

What is EdX

  • Collaboration between Harvard and MIT initially.

  • Now a platform that hosts courses from dozens of institutions.

  • May follow a free course audit with all of the course materials, but no assessments.

  • May follow a paid course pathway that comes with a verified certificate.

Open courses are ideal for people looking to learn math in a more formal structured format. It is great for:

  • testing out a subject before financially committing to taking a higher-ed course

  • Supplementing knowledge of a course

  • General interest

Choosing the right Data Science Path

  • Micro-credentialing is taking small courses to get very specific credentials.

  • It is used significantly in Data Sciences and Information Technology

  • This video discusses the outlook of masters studies versus MOOCs and microcredentials in those fields.

Pre Post-Secondary STEM Prep

  • "how to take all the math classes you need":

    • This google doc is curated by the creator of the "How to take all the math classes you need right now" video. The google doc contains a list of open courses that covers all under-grad math subjects.

  • These resources can be helpful to students looking to be prepared for traditional higher-ed STEM courses.

EdX (~45 minutes)

How to DIY: a DIY style higher Ed course

  • Browse through one of the two EdX courses to the right.

  • DemoX is a tour of the EdX LMS.

    • Estimated to take 1-2 hours to complete, but anyone with an Ed Tech background should be able to explore it effectively in 20-30 minutes.

  • How to Learn Online is a really good supplementary course that any MET student could benefit from.

    • It looks at self-care, heathy routines, and strategies while eLearning

    • The free version won't give you the graded assignments (nor a certificate. That is the business model)

  • Take a look at one of these two courses as a part of your "Choose Your Own Adventure" below.

Choose Your Own Adventure

  • Complete the DemoX EdX course above.

    • Use the below Padlet to explain how the LMS for EdX differs from other's that you are familiar with. Is it better or worse and how?


  • Complete the How to Learn Online course above.

    • Use the below Padlet to explain what strategies you are already using for effective eLearning and what strategies you may have taken away from the course.