
Since 2019, BC ministry of education launched the new teaching curriculum, which includes electronics as part of the technology education. The new curriculum includes many courses involving electric circuit, experiments, labs and projects. However, as I further investigated, many of these labs and projects cannot be properly implemented due to the shortage of the equipment and tools. One example will be the lab instruments for setting up school labs. Typical instruments available on market are expensive and power hungry therefore cannot be widely equipped in schools. On top of that, these equipment were designed to serve for industrial purposes, which could be over sophisticated in schools’ level. Thus, teachers may have to spend extra efforts to customize or create teaching materials that match to the level of students. Due to the complexity and cost to implement hands on experiments, many schools only teach the theories, and the consequence is that students don’t gain much practical skills or easily get bored with pure theories.

In a traditional electronics lab, it is common to find numerous bench-top heavy equipment with complex interfaces comprising buttons, knobs, and cables.

Certain equipment in the electronics lab can be quite expensive and require specialized maintenance by professional staff. As a result, educational institutions, particularly universities, typically allocate a designated lab room to house these resources.

As mentioned above, traditionally, learning electronics involved being confined to a specific space equipped with the necessary tools and equipment. However, Lab-On-The-Go breaks those boundaries and enables learners to take their experiments on the move. It liberates the learning process from the constraints of physical infrastructure, allowing individuals to explore and experiment with electronics anywhere, at any time. Lab-On-The-Go revolutionizes electronics education by making it accessible, flexible, and empowering. This innovative product breaks down barriers and allows learners to engage in hands-on experiments wherever they are, eliminating the need for a dedicated lab space. With its portable nature, Lab-On-The-Go provides flexibility and convenience, enabling learners to customize their learning experience and explore electronics at their own pace. 

To evaluate the price aspect, I have compared the costs of common items between a traditional equipment setup and a Lab-On-The-Go (LOTG) setup. The cost estimations are based on average prices and general information available online. However, when considering the sustainability of a solution from a school's perspective, it is essential to consider more than just the equipment cost. While setting up an electronics lab with advanced technology and devices may be feasible for universities, it becomes challenging for high schools, other colleges, and remote area schools. As a result, these institutions miss out on the opportunity to provide electronics education, a prominent and relevant field in technology. LOTG presents an alternative that addresses this issue. Its affordable nature makes it a viable solution for schools with budget constraints. By adopting LOTG, schools can ensure that students, regardless of their location or educational level, have the opportunity to learn and engage with electronics, a topic that is increasingly in demand and relevant in today's technology-driven world.

When considering convenience, affordability, and performance as criteria for measuring sustainability, it is valuable to compare Lab-On-The-Go (LOTG) with other alternatives, such as professional equipment and hobbyist-level equipment. Professional equipment, as shown in the previous picture, tends to be expensive and bulky, making it impractical to move around. Additionally, professional equipment requires specialized attention and maintenance. On the other hand, hobbyist-level equipment lacks certification, and the quality cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, these hobbyist-level devices often come in the form of modules, requiring users to possess certain knowledge and skills to effectively utilize them.

Professional Equipment

Inconvenient and expensive

Hobby ‘Equipment’

Low-performance and inconvenient


Optimized and Balanced

While there may not be a perfect solution, schools must make responsible decisions by conducting a reasonable evaluation. LOTG offers a balance in terms of convenience, affordability, and performance. Its compact and portable design allows for easy transportation and usage in various settings. LOTG devices are certified, ensuring quality and safety. Furthermore, LOTG is designed as a comprehensive product, providing a user-friendly experience without the need for extensive prior knowledge.

Ensuring sustainability in education technology involves finding a balance that allows for long-term utilization rather than complete avoidance. Sustainability goes beyond just considering the price of a technology, and in an educational context, several criteria should be taken into account. One important factor is the educational effectiveness of the technology. Lab-On-The-Go (LOTG) offers unique electronics instruments specifically designed for educational purposes. These instruments meet the standard criteria set by schools for establishing electronics labs and conducting experiments. They are not only affordable but also portable and convenient to use, resulting in only a fraction of the cost (including price, space, and other opportunity costs) compared to traditional equipment. These advantages and features enable schools to easily incorporate essential equipment into their classrooms. Furthermore, teachers can readily assign comprehensive labs that reinforce the theories taught in class, while students gain more time and opportunities for hands-on practice and engaging in projects.