
Global Target

Wired Anglophone Countries:

Starting in Canada and the US, with expansion into Australia, UK and Ireland as quickly as feasible.

Opportunity Space:

The Global Collaborative Whiteboard market represents the closest segment I could identify related to my niche product, and was valued at USD $1,393.87 million in 2020 (Mordor Intelligence).

The Global Video Conferencing Market is valued at 6.28 billion in 2021. (Fortune Business Insights)

Earnings of similar products:

  • Padlet's estimated annual income is between $320 thousand, and $1.7 million. ( Statshow, & Grojo)

  • 'Parlay Ideas' is projected to earn $614 thousand by 2021. (getlatka)

Potential Market Size for Talk-A-About:

I would expect Talk-A-Bout's potential market size to fall somewhere within the Video Conferencing market (6.28 billion), with potential to capture A MINIMUM of 1% of the global collaborative Whiteboard market, suggesting a potential market size of AT LEAST $13.93 million.

Users and Buyers:


  • Online/blended teachers (more post-secondary) and corporate trainers


  • Online/blended teachers and trainers

  • School department heads and corporations

Revenue Model:

Talk-A-Bout will operate on a subscription model, offering a free version with full access to all 3 basic templates, reasonable storage caps and advertising on the teacher 'design' pages only, not on the student-facing activity pages or shared gallery pages.

Monthly subscription costs will be competitive with tools like Padlet and Kialo-edu, making the option accessible for both individual teachers/trainers and departments. Subscribers will receive greater storage capacity and access to new activities and features as they are developed and released.


Talk-A-Bout is complementary to video-conferencing technologies and not likely to replace anyone's digital whiteboards or padlets. It has potential to replace similar-esque discussion/debate solutions that have yet to gain much traction, largely due to flaws in engineering, user experience design and lack of long term sustainability.

Teachers are ready for an elegant solution to creating and managing breakout activities. Strategic partnerships with important EdTech bloggers, along with championing teachers to share at conferences and on social media, will create the backbone of our marketing strategy and growth.