The Problem

No time

Too much work

A brief overview of the problems:

Never has online learning been so pervasive, even in a post-pandemic world hybrid and eLearning are here to stay. This movement along with the increased advancement in technology and artificial intelligence has led to the prominence of chatbots. Everywhere you look there seems to be a chatbot, on every website, online store, and even in some educational institutions. Chatbots are no doubt an emerging trend for teaching and learning, and many teachers and instructors see the value and advantages of using Chatbots in their courses.

The problem is educators are always short on time, and the idea of making their own chatbot seems too daunting and time-consuming a task that cannot be accomplished without a software team and computer programming background.

Chatbots are a crucial part of educational planning going forward for both teachers and students. However, another problem for educators is buy-in from administrators and school district leaders. The decision-makers need to see a cost-effective and easily implementable platform that will enact a positive change in the student and teacher populations.

Lack of knowledge

No buy-in