Monte da Orada

Orada is a family run, eco-sustainable, permaculture based, soul retreat centre, nestled in 71 ha of nature and privacy, aligned with the aim of expanding health and proposing purposeful transformational moments. 

Located at Portugal's Southwest Atlantic Coast, bordering Algarve, it combines an amazing set of spectacular wild surf beaches and the Authentic Countryside tranquility of Alentejo. 1,5 hours away from Faro airport and 2,5 hours away from Lisbon. This isolated evergreen valley creates an abundant oasis where two creeks come together, as a womb, to nourish an ancient lush forest and wildlife vistas.

Como chegar/ Getting Here

Estrada Nacional 120 Km 112,5São Teotónio - Odemira

Train (St. Clara Sabóia) & Taxi

Lisbon (3h) /  Faro (2h)


220 km from Lisbon Airport (3h)

140 km from Faro Airport (2h)

É incentivada a partilha de boleias. Após a inscrição será criado um grupo de Telegram para serem cuidadas questões de logística deste treino.

Carpooling is encouraged. After registration, a Telegram group will be created to take care of the logistics of this training.