
List of minisymposia during the conference:

MS1: "Challenges in Theoretical Mathematics Inspired by Applications" organized by Agnieszka Kalamajska (University of Warsaw, Poland) and Anna Ochal (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland)

Abstract: The purpose of this minisymposium is to discuss such issues of applied mathematics which lead to open problems in theoretical mathematics. We expect contributions concerning both the study of partial differential equations appearing in mathematical models, but also the recent developments in the field of functional analysis, probabilistic, calculus of variations and classical analysis. Our discussion is intended to provide an interdisciplinary forum for exchange of new ideas and results.

MS2: "Analysis, Control, and Applications of Moreau's Sweeping Process" organized by Giovanni Colombo (Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita degli Studi di Padova, Italy)

Abstract: Moreau's sweeping process is a differential inclusion of dissipative type that occurs in the modeling of several phenomena, including contact mechanics, nonsmooth electric circuits, and hysteresis, the simplest example being the "play operator", that occurs in some models of hysteresis. This differential inclusion describes the movement of a particle that is constrained in a moving (convex or mildly nonconvex) set C(t) and is such that its velocity is normal to the boundary of C(t). Since the seventies, several results on existence of solutions - under increasing levels of generality - were obtained. Recently, some studies on the optimal control of the sweeping process were also performed. This minisymposium aims at discussing the state of the art on such topics.

MS3: "Variational and Hemivariational Inequality Problems: Analysis, Numerics and Applications" organized by Weimin Han (The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA), Stanislaw Migorski (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland), and Mircea Sofonea (Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpgnan, France)

Minisymposium is dedicated to the 60th birthday of Professor Zhenhai Liu

Abstract: This minisymposium is devoted to recent advances in mathematical analysis, numerical solution and applications of variational and hemivariational inequalities. The main topics of the minisymposium include, but are not limited to, modeling of problems leading to variational and hemivariational inequalities, existence and uniqueness results, properties of solutions, numerical analysis, optimal control and optimization, and applications in mechanics and engineering. The minisymposium aims to promote collaborations among researchers of all stages on variational and hemivariational inequalities and their applications.

MS4: "Non-Classical Problems in Structural Dynamics of Continuous Media" organized by Czeslaw Bajer (Institute of Fundamental Technlogical Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)

Abstract: Modern structures should meet requirements that exceed commonly applied strength criteria. Dynamic phenomena carry strong restrictions but also new possibilities that allows us exceed current limitations. We focus our research on new materials that exhibit special rheological properties, new structures based on untypical inner (microscopic) or outer (macroscopic) geometry or structures that are controlled by interactions with their elements or with the base. In such extraordinary states structures can carry higher loads, as well as resist to instantaneous load peaks and first of all they can increase the safety and decrease harmful or inconvenient impact on environment. We consider differential equations that describe the influence of inertia in moving load problems, the control of sensitive structures under instantaneous impacts, the efficiency of non-classical materials that exhibit controllable properties and programmable metamaterials that allows modification of constitutive relationships during the deformation process.

MS5: "Numerical Analysis and Computational Methods for Mechanics" organized by Mikaël Barboteu (Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, France) and Krzysztof Bartosz (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland)

Abstract: Although considerable progress has been made in recent decades on Mechanics, many new and original problems have emerged on Mechanics, encompassing mathematical, physical and engineering aspects. For these reasons, numerics of these problems have to be considered. Therefore, the aim of this minisymposium is to give an overview of recent researches in numerics for Mechanics. It will cover the following topics: numerical modelling of nonsmooth and nonlinear laws, approximation of variational and hemivariational inequalities, numerical analysis of discrete schemes and numerical methods with emphasis on accurate and reliable computational tools.

MS6: "Wear and Friction - Analytical and Numerical Approaches" organized by Ryszard Buczkowski (West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland), Przemyslaw Litewka (Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland), Alfred Zmitrowicz (Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland)

Abstract: The first aim of the minisymposium will focus on most recent advances in modeling of wear and friction phenomena (phenomenological and micromechanical modeling, multi-scale and homogenized approaches, components of roughness, adhesion and hysteresis). The second objective will address the development and use of analytical and computational techniques in problems that include wear and friction effects (contact geometry and kinematics, gap and interface finite elements, Lagrange multiplier and penalty methods, numerical simulations of physical phenomena). Papers dealing with prediction, control and optimization of wear and friction in engineering and industrial applications are invited.

MS7: "Higher Order Finite Element Methods" organized by Maciej Paszynski (AGH University, Krakow, Poland), Witold Cecot (Krakow University of Technology, Krakow, Poland), Adam Zdunek (Swedish Defense Research Agency, Stockholm, Sweden), and Waldemar Rachowicz (Krakow University of Technology, Krakow, Poland)

Abstract: The minisymposium is devoted to various versions of the modern higher-order finite element method, including hp-adaptive FEM, delivering exponential convergence of the numerical error with respect to the number of degrees of freedom, isogeometric FEM, focusing on extending the use of computational geometry methodologies, such as B-splines, Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS), T-splines, etc., to the solution of PDEs with smooth approximations, modern Discontinuous Petrov Galerkin methods (DPG), resolving the stability issues of the numerical simulations. These approaches have provided a new direction of research in the higher-order finite element method, and shed light on its accuracy, efficiency, and robustness in general. We invite papers oriented towards applications and theoretical aspects of the higher order FEM.

MS8: "Dynamical Systems and Applications" organized by Mariusz Michta (University of Zielona Gora, Zielona Gora, Poland)

Abstract: The scope of the minisymposium will focus on the recent developments in dynamical systems driven by ordinary and partial differential equations, deterministic and stochastic inclusions and their broad applications. Topics of the session include also (but are not limited to) control problems, optimization problems and related topics including real life problems of mechanics, biology, economy and other applications.

MS9: "Mathematical Aspects of Unilateral Contact and Friction" organized by Laetitia Paoli (University Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France) and Meir Shillor (Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA)

Abstract: This mini-symposium covers various mathematical, modeling and numerical aspects of unilateral contact and friction problems for deformable bodies (elastic, visco-elastic, elasto-plastic, thermo-elastic ....), discrete mechanical systems, and fluid flows. The aim is to provide a forum for the exchange of recent results on existence, regularity and continuity with respect to data of the solutions as well as numerical methods and control problems. Moreover, applications in the sciences and engineering are welcome, too.

MS10: "Elastic/Plastic Materials with Micro Structural Defects: Mathematical and Mechanical Aspects" organized by Sanda Cleja-Tigoiu (University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania)

Abstract: The aims of the minisymposium are: (1) to define mathematically the defects such as: dislocations, disclinations, point defects, micro cracks and vacancies, grain boundaries, having in mind their physical background; (2) to formulate energetic principles such as macro and micro balance equations, and possible dissipative principles able to generate constitutive descriptions; (3) to formulate boundary value problems able to describe the behaviour of materials with micro structural defects; (4) to develop numerical approaches in order to describe the solutions of particular problems associated to the models; (5) to analyze the predictions of the elaborated models at the macroscopic level; (6) to compare the different approaches to plastically deformed materials with micro structural defects; (7) nano-models versus continuum models in describing elasto-plastic materials with micro structural defects; and so on.

MS11: "Optimization, Control and Tropical Mathematics" organized by Walter Briec and Oana Silvia Serea (Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, France)

Abstract: The goal of the minisymposium is to illustrate the scientific progress recently made and to offer an overview of some emerging topics and recent developments in the area of optimal control of differential equations and differential games in the deterministic and stochastic framework. From a theoretical point of view, special emphasis will be put on necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality, sensitivity analysis, Hamilton-Jacobi equations, singular problems, numerical methods, linearization techniques and relaxation. The applications will cover (but may not be limited to) several problems emerging, for instance, in biology and economics. Furthermore, the minisymposium will focus on presenting some recent developments and future perspective in the field of tropical mathematics and idempotent analysis. One of the goals of the meeting will be to produce material presenting new methodologies, results, generalizations and potential developments. Particular focus will be on open problems and interactions with different fields (for example physics and economics). Topics to be discussed include: mathematical physics, mathematical programming methods, game theory, operation research and mathematical economics, geometry, pure mathematics.

MS12: "Enriched Continua and Engineering Metamaterials" organized by Angela Madeo (Universite de Lyon-INSA, France)

Abstract: This mini-symposium is willing to present the emerging trends concerning the use of discrete versus enriched continuum models for the description of mechanical metamaterials and of materials with complex microstructure. Particular attention is given to the dynamic regime of such metamaterials which are known to exhibit unorthodox behaviors (band gaps, cloaking, etc.) thus opening the way to new technological applications.

MS13: "Dynamical Systems in Medicine and Biology" organized by Andrei Halanay (University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania) and Eva Kaslik (West University of Timisoara, Romania)

Abstract: The session is dedicated to the presentation of recent progresses in the modeling of medical and biological phenomena using the qualitative theory of dynamical systems (including delay differential equations and fractional-order systems) as well as optimal control theory. Contributions relevant to any of the following research area are welcome: cell biology, developmental biology, ecology and the environment, epidemiology, immunology, infectious diseases, neuroscience, pharmacology, physiology, population biology etc. Besides introducing new models, a special attention will be reserved to the stability analysis of equilibria and to the study of bifurcations and oscillatory phenomena.

MSTNC: "Trusted Numerical Computations " organized by Matthieu Martel (Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpgnan, France), Nasrine Damouche (Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpgnan, France) and Julien Alexandre-dit-Sandretto (ENSTA Paris-Saclay).

Abstract: TNC 2018 is the first International workshop on Trusted Numerical Computations. TNC 2018 will be collocated with a minisymposium at International Conference on Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ETAMM 2018).

The quality of numerical computations or the results of simulations may be impacted with method and round-off errors. In addition, numerical quality impacts the execution time, reproducibility and general performances, especially when dealing with sensitive functions such as the ones that we can find in applied mathematics and mechanics, when considering problems in physics, engineering sciences, biology, economy, etc. The design, verification and optimization of numerical software becomes a strong challenge to guarantee the soundness and the efficiency of computations. To cope with numerical issues, to know how to measure and minimize errors or to imagine other ways to better refine meshes, the formal verification of numerical simulations is mandatory. The TNC workshop intends to be a step toward this design, verification and optimization and, more generally, toward the definition of trusted numerical computations.

Topics include but are not limited to: Computer-aided verification of numerical computations; Correct-by-construction numerical methods; Approximations in numerical simulations; Optimisation of numerical algorithms; Numerical accuracy in simulations for biology, physics, economy, etc.; Specifications of correctness for numerical programs; Verification and optimization of numerical programs; Computations of numerical properties (interval methods, automatic differentiation, etc.); Formal methods for numerical codes (abstract interpretation, formal proofs, model checking, etc.)

Details on this minisymposium can be found at'18/index.html

Information to potential minisymposium organizers.

All talks in minisymposia are by invitation only. All these talks will have 20 minutes with discussion.

In case you intend to organize a minisymposium during this conference, please contact the Conference Chair at Every minisymposium organizer is kindly asked to provide a title of a minisymposium, its abstract and arrange to have at least five speakers. The main minisymposium organizer will be freed to pay a registration fee.