Exit codes info For Whatsapp Sender

THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR- This might be from our side, our download link might have been deactivated or from your side, if this problem occurs with other apps too, then there is some problem in your windows store or else if its from our side, we will fix it ASAP. Untill then download the app from the link given above:- 

EXIT CODE 0 -Installation cancelled by user (The install operation was cancelled by the user.)

EXIT CODE 1- Application already exists (The applicaton already exists on the device.)

EXIT CODE 2- Installation already in progress (Another installation is already in progress. User needs to complete the installation before proceeding with this install.)

EXIT CODE 3- Disk space is full (The disk space is full.)

EXIT CODE 4- Reboot required(A restart is required to complete the install.)

EXIT CODE 5- Network failure(Provide custom return code values for various network related failures.)

EXIT CODE 6- Package rejected during installation(Package rejected during installation due to a security policy enabled on the device.)

EXIT CODE 7- Installation successful(Installation has been successful.)