
Published papers

EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement: Exploring the Impact on E-Commerce, with Nestor Duch-Brown and María C. Latorre.  Review of Network Economics (2023), 21(1):  29-50.

Market Power and Artificial Intelligence Work on Online Labour Markets, with Nestor Duch-Brown, Frank Mueller-Langer and Songul Tolan. Research Policy (2022), 51(3): 1-19.

Mobility Restrictions and Remote Work: Empirical Evidence on Demand and Supply on a European Online Labour Market , with Frank Mueller-Langer.  Information Economics and Policy (2022), 58 (1):  1-16.

Cross-border Circulation of Films and Cultural Diversity in the EU,  with Georgios Alaveras and Bertin Martens. Journal of Cultural Economics (2018),  42(4): 645–676 .

Language, Copyright and Geographic Segmentation in the EU Digital Single Market for Music and Film, with Bertin Martens. Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues (2018), 15 (1): 20-37.

New evidence on Trade and FDI: How Large is the Euro Effect?, with Mariam Camarero  and Cecilio Tamarit. Open Economies Review (2018), 29(2): 451-467.

The Drivers and Impediments for Cross-border e-commerce in the EU, with Bertin Martens and Geomina Turlea. Journal of Information Economic and Policy (2014), 28(3): 83-96.

Is the 'Euro Effect' on Trade so Small After All? New Evidence Using Gravity Equations with Panel Cointegration Techniques, with Mariam Camarero and Cecilio Tamarit. Economic Letters (2014), 124(1): 140-142.

EMU and Trade Revisited: Long-Run Evidence Using Gravity Equations, with  Mariam Camarero and Cecilio Tamarit. The World Economy (2013), 36(9): 1146-1164.

The Gravity Model Analysis: An Application on MERCOSUR Trade Flows, with Eduardo Cuenca  and Margarita Navarro. Journal of Economic Policy Reform (2013), 16(4): 336-348.

Comparing Alternative Methods to Estimate Gravity Models of Bilateral Trade. Empirical Economics (2011), 44(3): 1087-1111.

Working papers

A gender perspective on artificial intelligence and jobs: The vicious cycle of digital inequality, with Sabine Köszegi. Bruegel, Working Paper 15/2022.

Mobility Restrictions and Remote Work: Empirical Evidence on Demand and Supply on a European Online Labour Market , with Frank Mueller-Langer.  CEPR Covid Economics, Vetted and Real-Time Papers (2021) , 63 (1), 1-34.

Whistling in the dark? Equity market reactions to Digital Service Tax proposals, with Carlo Reggiani and Yevgeniya Shevtsova.

Is There a Gender Wage Gap in Online Labor Markets? Evidence from Over 250,000 Projects and 2.5 Million Wage Bill Proposals, with Frank Mueller-Langer. JRC Digital Economy working paper, 2019-03. Submitted.

EMU Impact of on Third Countries’ Exports. A Gravity Approach, with Juliette Milgram-Baleix. ThE Papers 10/26, Department of Economic Theory and Economic History of the University of Granada.

Work in progress

Is Information Disclosure a Driver for Gender Wage and Proposal Gaps in Online Labor Markets? Empirical Evidence from a Natural Experiment , with Frank Müller-Langer.

Transparency and Worker Behavior on Online Labor Markets, with Karin Hoisl, Frank Müller-Langer and Miryam Mariani.

Fee Structure in Digital Labour Platforms, with Ulrich Laitenberger and Frank Müller-Langer.

Does Digitization Threaten Local Culture? Music in the Transition from iTunes to Spotify, with Luis Aguiar and Joel Waldfogel. 

AI and job transformation: will the impact differ by gender?,  with Sabine T. Köszegi.

Policy papers

Geo-blocking: A literature review and new evidence in online audio-visual services (2020). JRC Digital Economy working paper, 2020-01.

The Changing Nature of Work and Skills in the Digital Age (2019). JRC Working Paper 117505.

How to Quantify What is not Seen? Two Proposals for Measuring Platform Work, with Enrique Fernández-Macías, Annarosa Pesole and Cesira Urzi. JRC Working Paper 117168.

The Digital Transformation of News Media and the Rise of Disinformation and Fake News (2018),  with Bertin Martens, Luis Aguiar and Frank Mueller-Langer. JRC Digital Economy working paper, 2018-02.

Trade, Competition and Welfare in Global Online Labour Markets: A 'Gig Economy' Case Study (2017), with Bertin Martens and Frank Mueller-Langer. JRC Digital Economy working paper, 2017-05.

Geo-blocking of Non-audio-visual Digital Media Content in the EU Digital Single Market (2017), with Georgios Alaveras and Bertin Martens. JRC Digital Economy working paper, 2017-02.

Film Availability in Netflix Country Stores in the EU (2015), with Michail Batikas and Bertin Martens. JRC Digital Economy working paper, 2015-98020.

Market Fragmentation in Video-on-Demand Services in EU28 (2015), with Georgios Alaveras and  Bertin Martens. JRC Digital Economy working paper, 2015-98019.

Geographic Fragmentation in the EU Market for e-books: The Case of Amazon (2015), with Michail Batikas and Bertin Martens. JRC Digital Economy working paper, 2015-98022.

What’s Going On? Digitization and Global Music Trade Patterns Since 2006 (2014), with Bertin Martens and Joel Waldfogel. JRC Digital Economy working paper, 2014-88812.