Prevent suffering & Save lives.
Just $10 helps fund a sterilization surgery that prevents the reproduction of thousands of unwanted cats and dogs.
All photos used on this website are of actual animals living in Palora, Ecuador.
263 Sterlizations Completed to date
Preventing animal homelessness, one surgery at a time.
Esteriliza Hoy y Evita su Abandono Mañana Is an organization that provides free or subsidized pet sterilization services to low-income and developing communities in Palora, Ecuador. Through our sterilization campaigns, we work with a local veterinarian and an animal sanctuary to reduce the number of abandoned dogs and cats.
It is difficult to afford this service in a country where the daily wage is $15. By providing subsidized procedures, we make sterilization accessible, promote responsible ownership, and reduce the stray animal population.
One unspayed female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies in only six years.
In seven years, one unspayed female cat and her offspring can produce 370,000 kittens.
(Source PETA)
Our mission: To stop animal abandonment before It starts.
Help Us Help Them.
Palora has experienced an Increase In stray animals, with Innocent cats and dogs being treated as pests. Sterilization helps us break the cycle and prevent thousands of unwanted litters from being born and abandoned. Thanks to our supporters, Esteriliza Hoy has sterilized over 250 animals.
Please consider making a monthly donation to help us continue this critical work. Just $20 can sterilize two animals. Together, we can avoid unnecessary suffering and make sure all dogs and cats are wanted, cared for, and loved.
how we started
In 2022, a mother and daughter duo decided to fundraise to Improve the welfare of dogs and cats In Palora, Ecuador. Like many small towns in developing countries, Palora has a big issue with "street animals" that roam and reproduce In the thousands. We have seen firsthand the desperate circumstances these dogs and cats endure:
Mostly, they starve.
They become overheated and dehydrated, desperate for water.
They suffer and die from lethal diseases.
They get hit by cars on busy streets and highways.
They get attacked by other dogs or cats.
They are poisoned, either intentionally or accidentally, and die an agonizing death.
The list goes on.
In 2023, we shifted our focus to providing free or subsidized sterilization services throughout Palora, Ecuador. With hundreds of dogs and cats throughout Palora, we recognized that, unless we addressed the problem at the source, those numbers would only continue to grow, and we would not be able to provide all the needed services to rescue, rehabilitate, and keep them from the streets. We've supported the work of our partner animal sanctuary, Asociacion Dejando Huellas, by allocating a percentage of donations to help fund food and supplies for over 100 dogs and cats they shelter. The sanctuary Is funded through donations and has no municipal budget support for its operations.
Our Partners
Esterliza Hoy Is proud to partner with a local veterinarian, Dr. Andres Guevara, and Carola Almache, co-founder of Asociacion Dejando Huellas, an animal rescue and sanctuary organization, to help coordinate and realize our sterilization campaigns. Both are passionate about ending animal suffering and abandonment through sterilization and education. Below Is a short video with Andres and Carola thanking our generous donors!
126 Sterilizations in 2024
Total In veterinary fees: $2,063
Help Us Help Them.
Palora has experienced an Increase In stray animals, with Innocent cats and dogs being treated as pests. Sterilization helps us break the cycle and prevent unwanted litters from being born and abandoned. Thanks to our supporters, Esteriliza Hoy has sterilized over 250 animals.
Please consider making a monthly donation to help us continue this important work. Just $20 can sterilize two animals. Together, we can avoid unnecessary suffering and make sure all dogs and cats are wanted, cared for, and loved.
Furry patients of 2024