My Blogs
I love sharing ideas with others, maybe from my occasional work doing op-ed writing. Below you'll find my work from a few different sites.
Hemmings Daily: I've been an occasional columnist for this publication for several years. The link takes you to my author page. I focus on topics related to my own vehicles but also interview others in the old-car hobby as well as other related areas like racing.
In a Strange Land: This blog ran in the heyday of the virtual world Second Life. I don't cover that much any longer, but after an eight-year hiatus the blog returned to discuss AI and education.
Tractorpunk: I write about my transition to rural life since 2012, as well as DIY as a antidote to the consumerist and unsustainable economics we encounter daily. Grab a wrench, some seeds, and a set of knitting needles. My wife and I also post to a Facebook site about our farming work, at Beepasture Farms LLC.
Richmond Writing: Here I write about topics of interest on campus regarding writing but also a "Word fo the Week" and "Metaphor of the Month" feature for those interested in the history and use of language.
Essid/Bolton Family Histories: Less a blog than a wiki done with my family in the States and Canada about our history since immigration (the Essids, Soffees, Wilbys and others from the Ottoman Empire) and my Bolton ancestors from the British Isles.