Magic is the art of thinking about innovations and engineering is the closest thing to magic. Engineering is all about creating stuff. For example, Scientists can only discover a new star in the Universe but its engineer who can create a new Star. Engineering is all about doing things. They create things which don’t exist or in other words, Engineers create magic through their actions and abilities.

This brings us to think about what engineering is. Engineering is a practical approach to solving problems based on science and mathematics. Maximum times, scientists get the credits for all innovation that advances our life but this is due to the engineer’s hard work who brings the scientific ideas to reality. This term “engineering” has its origins in the roots of Latin language from the word “Ingenium” which means cleverness and the word “ingeniare” which means to devise.

Purpose of Engineering

Science helps us to understand the concepts behind existence, world, and universe. Engineering brings these concepts to reality with the help of designing, building, analyzing and solving problems. For example, Scientist might have brought the idea of something digital which can be used for reading blogs but it’s the engineer’s capabilities to transform metal scraps, plastic, silicon chips and some thousand lines of code to design an electrical device which can be used for reading blogs!

So in short, Engineers are the problem solvers. They make use of their scientific knowledge along with technological advancements to find solutions to problems. Sometimes, to increase efficiency and effectiveness, engineers come up with new ways to solve old problems. This study gives a chance to explore the world and incorporate creativity and innovation to make a significant change in society. Engineers are known to use their skills and expertise to make significant contributions to humankind. Engineers bring life to the theoretical scientific notions through their cutting edge innovative minds. If we go to a flashback, it’s all due to engineering that we are out of caves and have reached to the moon.

Types of engineering

Engineering has grown over the years with the advancement in our knowledge in scientific facts, mathematical notations, laws of physics and their practical approach. Engineering is a very matured and vast domain with so many sub-branches in it. This is indeed a very broad term and covers a lot of industries and practical applications. Engineering is a combination of science, technology, and mathematics.

With this combination, all the real-world problems are brought to an end. This leads to different sub-branches of engineering which further helps in mastering one particular area and solving problems specific to that area of study. Though there are numerous types of engineering here only a few important branches are discussed.

Software Engineering

Software is a collection of program codes. Program is executable lines of code which are written for a specific purpose. The software contains executable lines of programming code, some helping libraries and supporting documentation. This branch of engineering is specified for developing software products.

Objective and scope of software engineering

This branch of engineering is in high demand due to advancement in technology and the introduction of digitalization in the world. This branch is required for better quality management and for managing large software products. This is the practical application of engineering principles specifically related to designing, development, and implementation of software products. This field of engineering is very important for the computer world. This is the base for the use of hardware. Without software, hardware will be just an overpriced paperweight, just a heap of silicon chips, metal scraps, and plastic bodies.

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering is a field of engineering which requires knowledge of physics, mechanics, kinematics, and thermodynamics. This branch of engineering is used for manufacturing and maintaining mechanical systems. Mechanical engineering is one of the important assets behind the advancement of technology.

Objective and scope of Mechanical Engineering

The main objective behind this field of engineering is to provide knowledge which forms a solid foundation of mechanical principles, reasoning ability, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities. They design and manufacture all daily used products from batteries to medical devices. Just like other engineering branches, mechanical engineers are needed in all manufacturing facilities. They work on the designing and control system of any product that goes through the process of manufacturing. They also take care of efficiency, effectiveness, and feasibility of a new product. Mechanical engineers are highly required in the field of cement industry, automobile engineering, steel power plants, and the hydraulics sector.

Civil Engineering

Civil engineering is one of the fields of engineering that possess rich professional career. This field is responsible for building and shaping the world we live in. Arranging, creating, building, structuring and maintaining different structures is the job of civil engineer. They professionally manage the plan, development, and upkeep of the normally fabricated condition and physically manufactured ventures like living arrangements, institutional structures, streets, spans, trenches, dams, airplane terminals, sewerage frameworks, pipelines, and railroads. Civil engineering ranks the second oldest specializations of engineering, with the first one being military engineering. Today, civil engineering is charmingly showing its presence in both the private and public sectors.

Objective and Scope of Civil Engineering

The main objective of civil engineering is to design, construct and maintain the infrastructure and facilities that are essential to meet the growing needs of the nation and its people. Besides, civil engineering also solves problems related to technical, economic, environmental and social factors, thus playing a key role in the growth of a nation.


Engineering is a very novel and learned profession. Engineers need to possess honesty and integrity. They, directly and indirectly, impact the life of humankind with their actions. Therefore, let it be any branches of engineering, engineers need to have utmost honesty, fairness, equity and impartiality in their work. They must dedicate themselves completely for the protection of public health, welfare, and safety. They should have the highest principles of ethical conduct.