Online Resources for Students

Video Resources

  • Rachel’s English has numerous videos about American English pronunciation, including individual vowel sounds, diphthongs, and individual consonants, as well as conversation skills. (Also available on YouTube here.)

  • Sounds American is another YouTube channel teaching English pronunciation.

  • Intercambio offers these videos for pronunciation, some comparing similar sounds and others using the Color Vowel Chart.

  • Real English has lots of free videos of native English speakers speaking in relaxed, everyday speech, using interviews on the street with average people. This is a great way to give your students practice in listening to diverse, authentic speech, since often, textbook audio and even teacher talk can be a lot slower and simpler than what they will encounter in everyday life. The videos are available with or without subtitles, are fairly short, and are grouped around types of conversations (such as introductions). You could watch one a few times before having students practice with each other!

  • White Eagle is a YouTube channel with simple storytelling for English learners.

General Resources

  • Forvo - online pronunciation dictionary

  • English Club has free online lessons for students.

  • USA Learns has free adult English lessons.

  • From Cambridge: Ideas for learners to practice English at home

  • English for Students has short stories for beginners, often confused words, nursery rhymes, articles and tips for learners, and more.


Instructional Videos for Students Using Zoom on a Smartphone