Teaching with Zoom

Instructional Videos for Students: Using Zoom on a Computer

English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLI8kLpu-HA&t=6s

Spanish: https://youtu.be/V5GZ-ixYQz4

More languages here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xDWuL9q_k2v85qOyE9y_Q-vS_qNKmwD1/view

Introduction to Zoom for Church-based ESOL Classes (Teachers)

Watch this video for assistance with planning a class and getting started.

How to Use Zoom for ESOL Classes (Teachers)

Watch this video for instructions on how to use Zoom's tools and run a class.

Dartmouth's Remote Teaching How-To Site - includes instructions for how to share from a phone, tablet, or document camera on Zoom

Staying Connected With Students - this video from Intercambio talks about using technology to connect to students on breaks or for virtual learning.

Teaching Effectively with Zoom - this companion website to the book of the same title links many resources and suggestions for Zoom teachers.

These videos from Easy ESL Games have some great ideas for teaching, including on Zoom! This video shows 30 ways to introduce new words. This video is targeted towards adults and more advanced learners. And you can find more games here and here.

Zoom Audio and Video Symbols to Cue Students to Mute/Unmute (Print these to hold up and cue your students during class)

Zoom Audio and Video Symbols.docx

Webinar for CBESOL on Teaching on Zoom - October 24, 2020: https://youtu.be/4U9vz0Q0qwY