

The registration fee is EUR 200 for Ph.D. students and EUR 350 for everybody else. It includes lunches, coffees and snacks for the duration of the conference, and the conference dinner. The fee doesn't cover accommodation.

Registrations are now closed.

Call for papers (PDF version)

In this workshop, we honor Herman van Dijk for his contributions to Bayesian econometrics by organizing a special session. Papers presented at the conference may be submitted for publication in a special issue of Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics in honor of Herman K. van Dijk (see the the SNDE Call for Papers).

You are invited to submit a paper for the contributed paper sessions as well as the poster sessions. We welcome submissions from all fields of Bayesian econometrics (macro, micro and financial), as well as papers on statistical methodology, machine learning and computing.

Young researchers: Ph.D. students and researchers who received their Ph.D. after August 2017 may apply for a special "young researchers"' session. Selected researchers in this session will receive a travel support grant of up to EUR 500. Interested candidates must attach a CV with their submission.

Submissions are now closed.