

This is the page of Jesús Julio (Chechu) Camarero Martínez team. I am a forest ecologist and dendroecologist working on growth , regeneration, dieback and mortality processes in woody plants and, particularly, in trees. We are a research group using dendrochronology, i.e. the study of tree rings in woody plants, to address and to try to solve ecological questions. We are interested in deciphering the causes and consequences of drought-induced forest decline. We apply retrospective approaches for inferring how forests are responding to past and current global changes. We study cambial biology and xylogenesis to understand how trees form wood and how climate may affect the pace and pattern of xylem growth. We also characterize forest structure and dynamics to forecast how forests will react to current global change drivers including warmer and more extreme climate conditions, land-use and biogeochemical changes.

I work in the INSTITUTO PIRENAICO DE ECOLOGÍA (CSIC) as researcher.