ESL 47 Reading and Writing Portfolio

Letter to my Teacher


In a google document or the text box provided through canvas, write a thoughtful response to the following questions in the format of a letter:

Megumi Gordon

Professor Fairuze Ahmed Ramirez

ESL 47

29 January 2024

Letter to my Teacher

What I value about language is it is important to help understand people from different cultures and be able to communicate with them in their language. Good language communication can  develop interpersonal communication that is friendly, and reduce misunderstanding and conflict. Language interaction and communication can also help us to acquire knowledge and information. In this paragraph, I have explained what I value about language as well as how having good language communication leads to effective interpersonal communication.

Culture has influenced my reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills because of the many elements, such as religion, history, environment, and politics. Being exposed to these many elements has helped me better understand that I need to further develop my listening skills as it can be very confusing talking about religion, history, environment, and politics.In America, there are many different cultures and it is interesting to learn about those cultures by experiencing them. In this paragraph, I have discussed how culture influenced my reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills by experiencing the many different cultures in America.

My weakness in using language to communicate is I am a bit insecure about my skills in talking in English and have a lack of confidence sometimes.  This is especially true when I am meeting new people or have to speak in front of strangers. I am told my English is very good, but I do not think it is  all the time. My strengths are that I do not ever give up, and that I keep on trying until I achieve the goal. In this paragraph, I discussed my weakness in using language to communicate.  That weakness is not having confidence in my abilities to communicate well. Additionally, I discussed my strength of never giving up.

I think this class will allow me to communicate more effectively for academic purposes because I am learning and practicing this in class and at home every day for many hours.  That helps me become a more academic writer.  This class will allow me to communicate more effectively for professional purposes because all the skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) are all things that are needed when I go to work in my chosen profession.  During employment interviews, I will be better prepared and have greater confidence because of what I am learning and practicing in this class. In this class, I am eager to learn how to be a better academic writer. In this paragraph, I discussed how this class will allow me to communicate more effectively for both academic and professional purposes.  Additionally, I explained that I am eager to learn about academic writing and become more proficient.

Post-Reading Reflection and Writing About Mental Health

Reading and Writing About Mental Health

Student Reading Strategies Learning Outcome:
This reading exercise will allow you to skim for big bold headings and scan for important information under the big bold headings and extract important details about how to manage stress. This exercise will also raise your awareness of text structure and how information is organized in articles. 

Student Directions:
The Reading below is from The National Alliance on Mental Illness, please read the short article and answer the questions below.

Before Reading Question: Write two sentences about what do you already know about stress and how to deal with stress?

 1.     I know when I feel stress, I am worried and can’t concentrate.

 2.     I eat healthy, exercise and get plenty of sleep.

As you are reading, please write 3 vocab words in here that you do not know:

1.     Appetite

2.     Strain

3.     vulnerable

Everyone experiences stress. Sometimes it can help you focus and get the task at hand done. But when stress is frequent and intense, it can strain your body and make it impossible to function. Finding effective ways to deal with stress is crucial to living well.

How Stress Affects You

Stress affects your entire body, mentally as well as physically. Some common signs include:

When experiencing long-term stress, your brain is exposed to increased levels of a hormone called cortisol. This exposure weakens your immune system, making it easier for you to get sick.

Stress can contribute to worsening symptoms of your mental illness. For example, in schizophrenia, it can encourage hallucinations and delusions, while in bipolar disorder, it can trigger episodes of both mania and depression. Knowing what situations cause it is the first step in coping with this very common experience.

When You Are Most Vulnerable To Stress

People are most susceptible to stress when they are:

Everyone has his own threshold. Certain things that may upset you out might not even make one of your friends raise an eyebrow. Some people are affected when they experience large crowds and noisy environments, while others react to silence and free time.

Ways To Reduce Stress

Developing a personalized approach to reducing stress can help you manage your mental health condition and improve your quality of life. Once you've learned what your triggers are, experiment with coping strategies. Some common ones include:

Getting Help

If the steps you've taken aren't working, it may be time to share them with your mental health professional. He or she can help you pinpoint specific events that trigger you and help you create an action plan to change them."

After-Reading Comprehension Questions

1. After reading the introduction, what is the main idea of first paragraph? 

We all experience stress and find effective ways to deal with it.

2. After reading paragraph 2, how does stress affect the body? Please write two examples of how stress affects the body in a complete sentence form.

Stress affects both mentally and physically. For example, I can get headaches and feel overwhelmed. 

3. After reading paragraph 3, when are we most vulnerable (most exposed) to stress? Please write down two examples in sentence form.

I am most vulnerable to stress when I do not eat well. Another time when I am most vulnerable to stress is when I do not get enough sleep.

4. After reading paragraph 4, what are some ways we can reduce stress? Write down at least 3 examples in sentence form. 

We can reduce stress is by using time management. I can help reduce my stress by getting enough sleep. I can also reduce my stress by talking to my friends.

5. If we are stressed and cannot manage our stress, paragraph 5 ‘Getting Help’ suggest we should seek a professional mental health provider. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Please explain why you agree or disagree in 3-4 sentences.

I agree that going to a mental health provider is good. It gives me the opportunity to discover my triggers, which are things that cause me stress. I can create a plan to avoid those things that trigger my stress. By talking with a mental health provider, I can lower my stress and avoid depression. That mental health provider can also prescribe medicine to help me.

Post-Reading Reflection About Managing Stress

Managing Stress from the National Alliance on Mental Illness and you completed your first reading and writing exercise by answering questions about the topic of stress. Now, I would like for you to share with your classmates what you learned about stress from the reading.

Directions: Please answer the following questions by typing your response in the textbox below. Click Reply, and feel free to look back at your homework and the reading to help you answer the questions.

Questions to Answer in-sentence Form:

1. Before you read about How to Manage Stress, what did you already know about this topic?

Before reading about How to Manage Stress, I already know when I feel stressed. I am worried and cannot concentrate. I reduce my stress through eating healthy, exercising, and get plenty of sleep. In addition to signs mentally, long-term stress weakens my immune system physically. For example, I get eczema every year and get help from doctors.

2. What were the three vocabulary words you wrote down as you read that you did not understand? Please share with us the definition of the 3 vocabulary words you did not understand by looking them up in a dictionary and write the definition for your classmates to see and learn. 

As I am reading, I write 3 vocabulary words below that I do not know.

Strain is a force or influence that stretches, pulls, or puts pressure on something; sometimes causing damage . Also, strain is something that makes you feel nervous and worried. E.g. As you get older, excess weight put a lot of strain on the heart.


Strain is to cause anxiety or problems.

E.g. These extra costs have strained our financial resources.

Trigger is an event or situation that causes something to start.

E.g. Stress may act as a trigger for these illnesses.


Trigger is to cause something to happen, especially something bad.

E.g. Earthquake could trigger a tsunami that would create destruction along the coast.

Able to be easily physically or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked

E.g. I am vulnerable when I am around a lot of strangers.

3. What do you do when you feel stressed? How do you manage stress? 

When I feel stressed, I try yoga, go for a walk, eat healthy, and get enough sleep.

Reducing stress can help me manage my mental and physical health condition. First all, I recognize what are my triggers. I have experienced moving twice among three countries. First, I eat a healthy diet for a healthy body and mind. Second, I manage my time and plan to achieve my goals and balance work and family. In addition, I set aside time for myself to relax, and talk to my family & friends to help me feel better. Finally, I get enough sleep to help symptoms of some mental health conditions, like mania and depression that can be triggered by getting too little sleep.

4. Which managing stress tips will you try from the reading that you have not tried yet? 

I will try to practice relaxation like deep breathing and meditation. I heard about meditation before, but I do not know what I need to do in the meditation posture.

Chapter 1 Vocabulary Fluency Sentences

1.     Disaster: noun

Meaning: an event causing great harm,damage,or suffering; a bed event

Greate new sentence :

It would be a disaster for me if I lost my job.

2.     Devastating: adjective

Meaning: causing a lot of damage or destruction

Create new sentence: We are deeply saddened by this devastating tragedy.

3.     Inadequate: adjective

Meaning: not good enough or too low in quality

Greate now sentence:

The food supplies are inadequate to meet the needs of the hungry.

4.     Advocate: noun            

Meaning: supporter

Greate new sentence: Parents are advocate for their children.

Verb, support something publicly

Create new sentence: Many exports advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour.

5.     Contribution: noun

Meaning : money, support, or other help

Create new sentence: He raised $1.2 million in campaign contributions.

6.     Hazard: noun

Meaning: dangerous

Create now sentence: Children should not be around hazards, such as chemicals or weapons.

7.     Reveal: verb

Meaning: to make knoen or show something that is suprising or that was perviously secret

Create new sentence: He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians.


Triangle Fire Post-Reading Reflection

Triangle Fire Post-Reading Discussion

As you read, you should have taken notes on what led to the death of so many people in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, and the impact that this tragedy had on people.  While the direct cause of factory fire was a spark that was thrown into scraps of material, many factors made this event a disaster. 


Three causes that led to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire:

There were new laws that went into effect after the fire. These laws required:

The poor conditions that I can think of from a job are my experience in Japan.  In Japan, some employees work very long hours from 9:00 a.m. until they are finished, which can be 10:00 at night.  There is no overtime paid. This is for some companies and not just one company.  It is not considered being treated badly but is necessary to get the work done. Perhaps, this is Japanese culture.

Triangle Fire 1st Draft for Summary, Analysis, Synthesis Writing Response 

Instructions: You will write a controlled paragraph, a summary analysis response about the reading using your notes and online class discussion responses. As a class, we will go over the writing formula for summary analysis and discuss what analysis is in academic writing. 

Your Paragraph should address the following:

       In this paragraph, I discuss the three causes that led to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire disaster. The cause of the fire was a spark that was thrown into scraps of material. Another cause of the disaster, which made it unsafe for the workers were locked doors, the elevator was not working. In addition, there were no sprinklers, fire detectors, or long ladders to help workers out of the burning building. As a result, many workers died. After the fire, the public was very angry, there were progressive laws passed to protect the workers. “The laws were designed to correct every deficiency revealed in the Lower East Side fire: for example, it required automatic sprinklers in high-rise buildings. Fire drills became mandatory in large shops. Factory doors had to be unlocked and had to swing outward” (Unit 1 – Workers Rights, 2023, pg. #8). The laws passed helped make the workplace safer for all that are in the building because the owners of the business had to fix all the safety issues, sanitary issues, and potential diseases that are spread by people working close together. From my study of the lessons and discussions, I can apply what I learned in my own life. I look around my house to see if anything is unsafe, and then I fix it. If I had an outside job, I would be more aware of safety issues in the workplace, and I could bring attention to those issues to my boss.

Triangle Fire Final Draft Summary, Analysis, Synthesis Writing Response

Instructions: You will write 3 controlled paragraphs, a summary analysis and synthesis response about the Triangle Fire reading using your notes and online class discussion responses. As a class, we have gone over the writing formula for summary analysis and discussed what analysis is in academic writing, and we have discussed what synthesis in writing is, too. Now that you have participated in peer review, please use the checklist handout to ensure your paragraphs contain all composition requirements.

Your Paragraph should address the following:

Writing Requirement Checklist

Structure of Paragraphs

Grammar and Style: The writer introduces the main idea of the text using descriptive reporting verbs to discuss the main idea of the text such as:

The writer uses effective transition phrases to ensure sentences flow cohesively. 

For cause effect like:

For showing contrast or difference:

For concluding sentence:

       After reading chapter one Worker’s Rights, I discuss the three causes that led to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire disaster. The cause of the devastating fire was a spark that was thrown into scraps of material. Another cause of the disaster, which made it unsafe for the workers were locked doors and the elevator was not working. In addition, the building was inadequate as there were no sprinklers, fire detectors, or long ladders to help workers out of the burning building. As a result, many workers died.

       After the fire, the public was very angry after seeing the horror of people jumping out of windows, so there were progressive laws passed to protect the workers. “The laws were designed to correct every deficiency revealed in the Lower East Side fire: for example, it required automatic sprinklers in high-rise buildings. Fire drills became mandatory in large shops. Factory doors had to be unlocked and had to swing outward” (Unit 1 – Workers Rights, 2023, pg. #8). First, the laws passed helped make the workplace safer for all the people in the building because the owners of the business had to follow the new laws. Second, this meant the business owners had to fix all the safety issues, sanitary issues, and potential diseases that are spread by people working close together. In addition, they had to undergo inspections to make sure they stayed in compliance. As a result of these progressive laws, there was reform in the way businesses operate as to maintaining the workplace. Therefore, American workplaces are much safer than before the fire.

        From my study of the lessons and discussions, I can apply what I learned in my own life. First, I look around my house and yards to see if anything is unsafe. I can then fix it to avoid an incident. Second, I can help my friends at their homes to help identify any unsafe conditions. Finally, if I had an outside job, I would be more aware of safety issues in the workplace. I would bring attention to those issues by telling my boss, and hopefully avoid a disaster. In sum, I can affect changes in my personal life as well as my work life.



I appreciate how clear and guiding each paragraph is, and I can tell you have taken good notes during class to include in your paragraph responses.

My only suggestion would be work on how you cite your sources. For example,

instead of citing like this: (Unit 1 – Workers Rights, 2023, pg. #8). 

Cite like this: (Kubic, 8).  

Keep up the good work!

Professor Fairzue

Chapter 2 Vocabulary Fluency Sentences


What is the root word of endured? Endure (still a verb)

Meaning: To tolerate a troubled situation. Suffering something difficult. Something painful or suffering with patience.

Original sentence:


What is the root word? Force (noun)

Meaning: Pressure, involuntary act of doing something.
Original Sentence: I was forced to relocate to another city for work. 


Meaning:The place where something happens, especially unpleasant. A part of a film or movice, opera, or book.  A view that you see.                                                                     

Original sentence:   


Meaning: Slightly wet 

Noun,  Meaning the state of being damp.                                               

Verb, meaning to make slightly wet                                                                                                                                                                      


Meaning: to move forward on your hands and knees.


Meaning: a very slow speed and a swimming stroke.


Meaning:the general direction of changes or developments.


Meaning: very great, very strong, serious, and having or showing very strong feelings, opinions or thoughts 


Meaning: a change in the way a country is governed; a very important change in the way that people do things.   

Chapter 2 Draft Writings Summary, Analysis,       Synthesis Writing Response 


Part 1:

In a paragraph form, first introduce the reading, then discuss: What were the 3 strategies the union members used to seek justice and create change? Feel free to use our in-class discussion notes to develop your paragraph. Just remember to explain and analyze the significance of your supporting details to illustrate the importance of the strategies that allowed workers to create change and social justice. 

Part 2:

Then, in another paragraph use what you wrote in class today to synthesize at least 3 important reasons why we should have unions. 

Writing Requirements:

        In chapter 2, “Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions” by Jessica McBirney, the reading defined labor unions and their history, and discussed that labor unions formed three strategies to protect workers; for example,“This article sets the scene for the dawn of labor unions, explores the history of workers’ rights, and explains the strategies they still use today. As you read this text, identify three strategies that union members used to seek justice and create change” (McBriney 2). First of all, the strategy  was called collective bargaining (McBriney). Everyone agreed on shorter hours, higher pay, and safer working conditions. Secondly, the strategy was giving benefits to union members; for example, if workers got hurt on the job, unions would pay for doctor’s visit, medicine, and food. Finally, the strategy was to work with the government to pass more laws for inspecting buildings and ensuring the safety of the workers. As a result, by forming labor unions, workers protected their rights and made important social changes. Labor unions caused a revolution in the workplace, and still serve many of the same functions today. Next, I will discuss why labor unions are important.

       Labor unions are important for several reasons. First, labor unions protect workers’ working conditions; for example, there are laws to inspect the safety of the building to make sure workers do not get hurt on the job. Another reason is fair wages. Labor unions make sure workers are paid a fair wage; for example, labor unions fight for higher wages depending on job description and work longevity. A third reason is worker’s benefits. . One example of this is where the labor unions ensure workers have health care benefits and paid time off in case workers or relatives are sick. Other benefits is when a relative dies, work gets paid days off for grief. The final reason is the right to strike unfair working conditions.  In conclusion, unions negotiatewith the company to help workers, and with the government to get laws passed to protect them from what they had to endure previously. For all of these reasons, labor unions are still important today. 

Chapter 2 Final Draft Writings Summary, Analysis,       Synthesis Writing Response 

        Jessica McBirney, in her articleWorkers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions” describes defined labor unions and their history, and discusses that labor unions formed three strategies for protect workers; for example, “This article sets the scene for the dawn of labor unions, explores the history of workers’ rights, and explains the strategies they still use today. As you read this text, identify three strategies that union members used to seek justice and create change” (McBriney 2). First of all, the strategy  was called collective bargaining (McBriney 3). Everyone agreed on shorter hours, higher pay, and safer working conditions. Secondly, the strategy was giving benefits to union members; for example, if workers got hurt on the job, unions would pay for doctor’s visit, medicine, and food. Finally, the strategy was to work with the government to pass more laws for inspecting buildings and ensuring the safety of the workers. As a result, by forming labor unions, workers protected their rights and made important social changes. Labor unions caused a revolution in the workplace, and still serve many of the same functions today. Next, I will discuss why labor unions are important.

       Labor unions are important for several reasons. First, labor unions protect workers’ working conditions; for example, there are laws to inspect the safety of the building to make sure workers do not get hurt on the job. Another reason is fair wages. Labor unions make sure workers are paid a fair wage; for example, labor unions fight for higher wages depending on job description and work longevity. A third reason is worker’s benefits. .  One example of this is where the labor unions ensure workers have health care benefits and paid time off in case workers or relatives are sick. Other benefits is when a relative dies, work gets paid days off for grief. The final reason is the right to strike unfair working conditions.  In conclusion, unions negotiatewith the company to help workers, and with the government to get laws passed to protect them from what they had to endure previously. For all of these reasons, labor unions are still important today. 


Good Job, Megumi! My only suggestion is to remember to include page numbers in the citation. 

Keep up the good work!


Chapter 3 Vocabulary Fluency Log



Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

The revolution also caused an economic downturn in Mexico, and many workers realized they could more money in the united states than they could in their home country.

 Dictionary definition (that makes sense with the original sentence from the reading)

To understand or become aware of a fact or situation

 Synonym (other word with similar meaning)

know, understand

Create new sentence with vocab word

My daughter has made a mistake, but she doesn’t realize it.

2. Remain


Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

The workers who remained in the states often became migratory workers.

Dictionary definition

To stay in same place; to not leave

Synonym (other word with similar meaning)


Create new sentence with vocab word

My husband came back in United States, but I remained in Japan.

3. Improve


Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

Despite some improvements from the 1930s, being a farm worker is still a dangerous and difficult job. Many orgnizations and politicians are still working to improve the lives of migrant laborers across the country.

Dictionary definition

To become better than before

Synonym (other word with similar meaning)


Create new sentence with vocab word

I need to improve my English.

4. Succeed


Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

A few Mexcican workers tried to organize strikes and protests during the Depression, but they did not succeed in improving working or living conditions.

Dictionary definition

To be successful in your job, by earning money, power, or respect

Synonym (other word with similar meaning)

Be successful

Create new sentence with vocab word

If I want to succeed, I have to work hard.

5. Intervene


Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

Government intervention

Dictionary definition

To become involved in a situation in order to improve or help

Synonym (other word with similar meaning)

Step in, intercede

Create new sentence with vocab word

If the U.S. maintains low interest rates, Japan will not intervene to weaken the yen.

6. Emerge


Sentence in which the word appeared in the text:

Flowers emerge in spring.

Dictionary definition

To come out of a dark, confined or hidden place

Synonym (other word with similar meaning)

Appear,  come out 

Create new sentence with vocab word

She finally emerged from her room at noon.

Pre-Writing Discussion for Compare Contrast Essay


Go back to what you wrote for chapter 1 and 2 paragraph responses and read your class notes to recall important facts that will help you compare and contrast the lives of the workers. 

Write 3 sperate lists in this discussion sharing the pay, work hours, workplace, and conditions for a factory worker, coal worker, and migrant worker. 

Compare and Contrast


Factory Worker:low pay, 72 hours a week for less than a dollar a day

Coal Worker:so little, could not afford to buy enough food

Migrant Worker: lowest wages, paid per bucket of fuit they pick, rather than per hour and now less than $10,000 per year, 

Work hours:

Factory Worker:72 hours a week for less than a dollar a day

Coal Worker:six days a week

Migrant Worker: long hours (from sunup to sundown)


Factory Worker:inside of the building

Coal Worker:deep underground in coal mines

Migrant Worker: in fields and on farms

Work Conditions:

Factory Worker:not have eating or toilet facilities, and have noisy sewing machines

Coal Worker:exposed to coal dust and poisonous gases

Migrant Worker: exposed to dangerous pesticide chemicals

1st Draft of Compare Contrast Essay


              Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (263).

              Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263).

          In the readings, The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire by Mike Kubic, and Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions by Jessica McBirney, they discuss the inhumane working conditions that led to deaths for both factory and coal mine workers, and describe how this led to new progressive laws. The Industrial Revolution greatly affected how people work.  Machines were created and that resulted in factories where workers used those machines. This short essay will describe the similarities and differences of factory workers and coal mine workers, and how this pushed for new progressive laws for workers.

         I will be discussing comparison and differences between the factory workers and coal mine workers.  In comparison, Two type of workers were immigrants from other countries; similarly they earned low pay with 72 hours a week.  In contrast, the factory workers worked indoors at the Triangle Shirt Factory; however, coal mine workers worked outdoors in coal mines underground. Additionally, coal mine workers were exposed to coal dust and poisonous gases; they were damp and cold, and they bend over all day.  Whereas, Factory workers worked in the unsafe working conditions that included locked doors during work hours and the elevator not working. In addition, the building was inadequate as there were no water sprinklers or fire detectors.  

           I will compare and contrast the new laws put into effect for both types of workers. After the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911, there were progressive laws passed to protect the workers. “The laws were designed to correct every deficiency revealed in the Lower East Side fire: for example, it required automatic sprinklers in high-rise buildings. Fire drills became mandatory in large shops. Factory doors had to be unlocked and had to swing outward” (Kubic 8). First, the laws passed helped make the workplace safer for all the people in the building because the owners of the business had to follow the new laws. Second, this meant the business owners had to fix all the safety issues, sanitary issues, and potential diseases that are spread by people working close together. In addition, they had to undergo inspections to make sure they stayed in compliance. As a result of these progressive laws, there was reform in the way businesses operate as to maintaining the workplace. In contrast, Jessica McBirney, in her article“Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions” describes defined labor unions and their history and discusses that labor unions formed three strategies for protect workers. “This article sets the scene for the dawn of labor unions, explores the history of workers’ rights, and explains the strategies they still use today. As you read this text, identify three strategies that union members used to seek justice and create change” (McBriney 2).First of all, the strategy  was called collective bargaining (McBriney3). Everyone agreed on shorter hours, higher pay, and safer working conditions. Secondly, the strategy was giving benefits to union members; for example, if workers got hurt on the job, unions would pay for doctor’s visit, medicine, and food. Finally, the strategy was to work with the government to pass more laws for inspecting buildings and ensuring the safety of the workers. As a result, by forming labor unions, workers protected their rights and made important social changes. Labor unions caused a revolution in the workplace, and still serve many of the same functions today.

          In conclusion, I discussed the two types of workers in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and the Coal Mine Industry and compared and contrasted the working conditions, work hours,  and pay. It is clear that the two types of workers worked for low pay and long hours, as well as in harsh working conditions. I discussed how the progressive laws greatly affected the safety and pay of workers as well as how labor unions intervened in creating better conditions for all workers.

2nd Draft of Compare Contrast Essay

         In the readings, The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire by Mike Kubic (4), and Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions by Jessica McBirney (2), the discussion includes the terrible working conditions that led to deaths for both factory and coal mine workers. Additionally, it describes how this led to new progressive laws that changed the workplace. The Industrial Revolution greatly affected how people work.  Machines were created and that resulted in factories where workers used those machines. In this essay,  I will discuss the similarities and differences between factory workers and coal mine workers, and how this pushed for new progressive laws for workers.

        In comparison, Two type of workers were immigrants from other countries; similarly they earned low pay with 72 hours a week.  In contrast, the factory workers worked indoors at the Triangle Shirt Factory; however, coal mine workers worked outdoors in coal mines underground.  Additionally, coal mine workers were exposed to coal dust and poisonous gases; they were damp and cold, and they bend over all day.  Whereas, Factory workers worked in the unsafe working conditions that included locked doors during work hours and the elevator not working. In addition, the building was inadequate as there were no water sprinklers or fire detectors.  

        I will compare and contrast the new laws put into effect for both types of workers. After the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911, there were progressive laws passed to protect the workers. “The laws were designed to correct every deficiency revealed in the Lower East Side fire: for example, it required automatic sprinklers in high-rise buildings. Fire drills became mandatory in large shops. Factory doors had to be unlocked and had to swing outward” (Kubic 8). First, the laws passed helped make the workplace safer for all the people in the building because the owners of the business had to follow the new laws. Second, this meant the business owners had to fix all the safety issues, sanitary issues, and potential diseases that are spread by people working close together. In addition, they had to undergo inspections to make sure they stayed in compliance. As a result of these progressive laws, there was reform in the way businesses operate as to maintaining the workplace. In contrast, Jessica McBirney, in her article “Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions” describes defined labor unions and their history and discusses that labor unions formed three strategies for protect workers. “This article sets the scene for the dawn of labor unions, explores the history of workers’ rights, and explains the strategies they still use today. As you read this text, identify three strategies that union members used to seek justice and create change” (McBriney 2).First of all, the strategy  is collective bargaining. Everyone agreed on shorter hours, higher pay, and safer working conditions. Secondly, the strategy was to provide benefits to union members. For example, if workers got hurt on the job, unions would pay for medical services, as well as food. Finally, the strategy was to work with the government to pass more laws for inspecting buildings and ensuring the safety of the workers. The result of the forming labor of unions was the protection of the rights of workers. Additionally, this succeeded  in creating some important social changes. Labor unions caused a revolution in the workplace, and still serve many of the same functions today.

        In conclusion, I discussed the two types of workers in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and the Coal Mine Industry and compared and contrasted the working conditions, work hours,  and pay. It is clear that the two types of workers worked for low pay and long hours, as well as in harsh working conditions. I discussed how the progressive laws greatly affected the safety and pay of workers as well as how labor unions intervened in creating better conditions for all workers.

Is America a Melting Pot or a Cultural Mosaic?


Why do you think many immigrants have come to the USA? 

         Many immigrants have come to America for several reasons. First of all, Many people come to America with dreams of better lives for themselves and their families. America has the highest number of Immigrants in the history of the world. Immigrants have a lot of opportunity for education and employment nowadays. Secondly, Many people were forced to flee their countries for political and religious persecution and came to America.  America is an economic prosperity, religious freedom, and cultural diversity country.  Thirdly, reunion of family is another reason for immigrating to America. In my case, my husband went back to America due to ending his work in Japan, so I had to immigrate to live with my husband. In conlusion, America is a country created and built by immigrants from all over the world. Immigrants have enriched American culture, and made it the cultural center of the world.  

What type of society do you think America is? Why? Which expressions do you like best? 

         America is a multi-cultural society that is composed as a Cultural Mosaic.  The reason why I think this is America allows for all cultures and does not force one culture on anyone. I like the idea of melting pot as that is what Japan is; it is very homogenous where people do not like to stand out.  However, the idea of America being a salad (or cultural mosaic) helps society grow.

Final Course Reflection

In this class, I demonstrated (SLO1) comprehension of multi-paragraph academic texts by reading and responding to specific readings through discussions. Such as, the three chapters I read: The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire by Mike Kubic; Workers’ Rights and the History of Labor Unions and Mexican Migrant Workers in the 20th Century by Jessica McBirney. I analyzed and synthesized the readings by discussing and sharing important quotes from three texts that explaining immigrants worked in harsh working conditions that led to new progressive laws. Additionally, I learned how to identify the main idea and supporting ideas by integrating quotes, and new vocabulary from each reading. As an example, I write each paragraph with a main idea (topic sentence) and include supporting sentences for that main idea (topic sentence) to complete the paragraph. To demonstrate that, my topic sentence might be: The three causes that led to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire disaster.  The supporting ideas are that the fire started when a spark was thrown into scraps of material. Another cause of the disaster was that there were locked doors and the elevator was not working.  Additionally, the building was inadequate as there were no sprinklers, fire detectors, or long ladders to help workers out of the burning building.

As to SLO2, which is Employing level appropriate vocabulary building strategies, I used prefixes and suffixes to expand my vocabulary; as an example, I take the word happy.  I add the prefix UN to make unhappy; I add the suffix NESS to make happiness. The word family I choose is: Eat, Beat, Feat, Heat, Meat, Seat.  I use strategies to independently study new vocabulary in and out of class by reading books and pamphlets where I write down the word, look up its meaning, and then make a sentence using that new word. 

In regards to SLO3, which is Use common English sentence structure patterns.  I used simple, compound, and complex sentences with correct punctuation and conjunctions.  I learned that conjunctions (FANBOYS) are not to be used to begin a sentence. As example, I would not write: But, that is not a good example because BUT is a conjunction.

Next, with SLO4, which is employ the writing process to complete several writing assignments. As an example, my first writing assignment about The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, and then I wrote about the three strategies the union members used to seek justice and create change. Finally, I completed an essay about Compare and Contrast.  In all of my writing, I learned about making my writing clear to the reader.  I used correct mechanics in my writing (formatting, spelling, grammar, and punctuation).

Finally with SLO5, which is demonstrate an emerging ability to make meaning of new information in writing. I studied not only the course materials, but also additional books and other learning material.  This really helped me get a larger perspective and being able to synthesize a broader set of information.  This helped me in my personal life in conversation with my husband, friends, and neighbors because I knew what the words meant that were being said by everyone.  Being able to not only write better, but also to be able to communicate in my new adopted language of English is very important.

The difference between summary, analysis, and synthesis. Summary means to review the key points of one source. Example: I summarized the three causes that led to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire disaster. Analysis means to rely on the writer’s ideas and inferences. I learned to analyze the vital details and quotes from the readings; for instance, after the fire, the public was terribly angry after seeing the horror of people jumping out of windows; thus, there were progressive laws passed to protect the workers. Synthesis means to combine ideas to form a theory. From my study of the lessons and discussions, I can apply what I learned in my own life. First, I look around my house and yards to see if anything is unsafe. I can then fix it to avoid an incident. Second, I can help my friends at their homes to help identify any unsafe conditions. Finally, if I had an outside job, I would be more aware of safety issues in the workplace. I would bring attention to those issues by telling my boss, and hopefully avoid a disaster. I believe I can affect changes in my personal life as well as my work life.