N.d. Kuehn, Steven R., Rebecca K. Albert, and Emily S. Johnson. Ancient Foodways: Zooarchaeology and Paleoethnobotany. In Traces: An Open Introduction to Archaeology, edited by J. Donahue, I. Ray, I. Scarborough, and J. Zovar. In review.
2020. Johnson, Emily S. and John M. Marston. The Experimental Identification of Starch Spherulites from Nixtamalized Maize Residue. Journal of Archaeological Science 113:105056. DOI:10.1016/j.jas.2019.105056.
N.d. Johnson, Emily S. Ground-Truthing LiDAR Data and Initial Excavation of Hypothesized Raised Fields in El Desierto, Petén: 2023 Season. Proyecto Arqueológico Regional Río Azul: Informe Final de la Temporada 2023, edited by C. Morales-Aguilar and Fred Valdez, Jr. In preparation.
2023. VanDerwarker, Amber, Emily S. Johnson, and Joseph Patrick. Analysis of Plant Remains from 22TA622: Report Submitted to Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc.
Conference Presentations
Society of American Archaeology 2022
• Paper Presentation: Johnson, Emily S., Alleen Betzenhauser, and Amber M. VanDerwarker. "Nixtamalization and Culinary Traditions at the Ancient East St. Louis Site”
Society of Ethnobiology 2017
• Poster Presentation: “Elite Feasting and Monumental Dedication at Early Phrygian Gordion, Central Turkey”
Plains Anthropological Conference 2018
• Poster Presentation: “Central Plains Tradition Plant Use: A Comparison of Archaeobotanical Remains from Four Itskari Phase Sites”