Esha Dwibedi

I am a Postdoctoral Scholar at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at University of Washington working in the Cost Effectiveness Analysis and Metaregression team. I broadly work on modelling and economic evaluation of health interventions. My current research focuses on economic modeling and statistical analysis of health interventions to prioritize cost-effective interventions globally, and the development of an outcome-adjusted national healthcare price index using a period life-expectancy framework. 

I received my Ph.D. in Economics at Virginia Tech, where my research explored the relationship between cooperative decision-making and societal level institutions through experimental studies. I also studied health behavior and attitudes of individuals through behavioral experiments. 

I was a Data Science for the Public Good fellow in the summer of 2021. I have also previously been part of the India Fellow Social Leadership Program, through which I worked at the grassroots level in Delhi-NCR region on developing viable enterprises for low-income households and rejuvenating livelihoods of artisan-communes

Email: edwibedi at / esha at    Linkedin                                          Google Scholar                                         
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Hans Rosling Center, 3980 15th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98195 USA