
Little Deschutes River in the Eastern Cascades, OR, USA

Grants on this subject: NSF-EAR 2053056 (active 2021-2023); DOE-SC0024506 (active 2023-2026).

The coupling of silicate weathering and organic matter burial in soil 

Soils are hubs of nutrient cycling across Earth's surface and store a vast amount of organic matter. As Earth warms and extreme climate events occur with increasing frequency, the stability of organic carbon in soil (a potent source of atmospheric CO2) remains in question. Clay minerals that form from the chemical weathering of primary silicates in soil can protect organic carbon from oxidation, but the formation of clay minerals is often fueled by acids generated when organic carbon is oxidized. This tension complicates how we predict the net impact of soil formation on global climate in a warming world. Our group aims to understand how silicate weathering and organic matter burial operate across Earth's surface in order to build better conceptual and mechanistic models of soil formation.

Outcrops spanning the PETM in the Bighorn Basin, WY, USA

Silicate weathering responses in fluvial systems to climate change

Over Earth's history, sudden and large emissions of CO2 from the solid Earth into the ocean and atmosphere induce a cascade of environmental crises. The chemical weathering of silicate minerals in Earth's crust helps regulate atmospheric CO2 levels and enables climate to recover to its pre-perturbed state. Yet, how climatic and geologic conditions at the Earth's surface modulate these weathering reactions remain hotly debated. Our group seeks to elucidate how fluvial processes, namely the transmission of water and sediment across floodplains, regulate the capacity of watersheds on Earth to sequester CO2 via silicate weathering.

Beautiful zonation of calc-silicates in a fossil hydrothermal system, Sequoia National Forest, Sierra Nevada, CA, USA

Hydrothermal water-rock reactions 

Hydrothermal systems in active margins vigorously transmit elements and water between the solid Earth and the ocean-atmosphere system. On continents, magmatic arcs poised with carbonate-rich sedimentary rocks can yield huge fluxes of metamorphic CO2 to the atmosphere, but only when large volumes of meteoric water circulate through the hydrothermal system. When hydrothermal fluids breach the crust, they can complicate the solute composition of rivers and thus inferences about low-temperature water-rock reactions (i.e., weathering). In oceanic crust, the infiltration of ocean water can hydrate the lower mantle and drive reactions that can consume alkalinity (e.g., carbonate formation, clay formation, serpentinization) and possibly dissolved carbon (e.g., carbonate formation). Our group aims to understand the role of hydrothermal water-rock reactions in the global carbon cycle.