Past Workshops

2nd European Sustainable Finance PhD Workshop

June 18-20, 2024 in Augsburg

[ Call for Papers | Program | Impressions ]

Meet-the-editor: Nickolay Gantchev (Warwick Business School)
Keynote: Roni Michaely (HKU Business School)

Best Paper: Felix Dornseifer
Best Discussion: Teodor Duevski

University of Augsburg is organizing a PhD workshop together with colleagues from CREST, ENSAE, ESCP, KU Leuven, Warwick Business School, and Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.) on the topic of Sustainable Finance. We invite PhD students to apply to present and discuss their current research to professors and other PhD students with a focus on Sustainable Finance. The workshop will take place in person from June 18 to June 20, 2024 in Augsburg.


The submission is open to a wide range of theoretical and empirical work on Sustainable Finance including, but not limited to Corporate Finance and Governance, Asset Pricing, Climate Finance, and ESG Investing. The presentation of single authored papers is particularly encouraged.

Please submit your journal-article-length paper (PDF) and CV to by February 16, 2024. Applicants must be enrolled as PhD students at the time of the workshop. The program committee’s decision will be announced in April 2024. Selected students will receive a travel grant (250EUR) and free accommodation over the duration of the workshop.


We are happy to announce that the program committee will give a best paper award (only single authored works) and a best discussion award. In addition, Prof. Roni Michaely, PhD, Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship at The University of Hong Kong will be our keynote guest.

Local Organizer

Sebastian Utz

Program Committee

Jeroen Derwall (U Maastricht, U Utrecht), Alberta Di Giuli (ESCP), Rients Galema (U Utrecht), Nickolay Gantchev (Warwick), Irene Monasterolo (U Utrecht), Naciye Sekerci (KU Leuven), Sebastian Utz (U Augsburg), Thomas Walther (U Utrecht), Marco Wilkens (U Augsburg), Olivier David Zerbib (CREST, ENSAE)

Awards and Sponsoring

In recognition of the sponsorship by the Fürst Fugger Privatbank, we will be presenting a best paper award and a best discussant award at the workshop.