Privacy Policy of 


1. Company Information:

   - Company Name: SITA SOC

   - Address: 459 Tsitsa Street, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria, 0048

   - Email:

   - Phone Number: +27 12 482 3000


2. App Information:

   - App Name: e-Services

   - Description: e-Services is a platform designed to provide South African citizens with access to government services conveniently.

   - Platforms Supported: iOS and Android


3. Data Collection and Usage:

   - Personal Information Collected:

  - Name (including second name, third name, surname)

  - Email address

  - ID number

  - Passport number

  - Cellphone number

  - Landline numbers

   - Collection Method: Directly from users

   - Purpose: To provide personalized government services.

   - Third-Party Sharing: No personal information is shared with third parties.


4. Data Storage and Security:

   - Data Storage: User data is stored on a server on premises.

   - Security Measures:

  - Passwords are encrypted.

  - Verification codes are sent via email and cellphone.

  - The server is protected by a firewall.


5. User Rights:

   - Access to Personal Information: Users can access their personal information through the web application at

   - Update or Deletion Requests: Users can request updates or deletions by contacting or calling 080 141 4882.

   - Opt-out: Data collection and sharing are not applicable.


6. Third-Party Services: No third-party services are integrated into the app.


7. Policy Updates:

   - Users will be responsible for keeping up-to-date with privacy policy changes until notifications are implemented in future releases.


8. Legal Compliance:

   - The app complies with relevant South African laws and regulations.

   - There are no age restrictions for app users.


9. Consent:

   - User consent is implicit in accessing government services through the app.


10. Miscellaneous:

   - User data is not shared with any entities.