How to make sex better?

It's a question that everyone is probably thinking about at some point in their life, whether they're talking about their current or past relationship. So many of us have issues with Sexual intimacy in Raipur, and it can sometimes seem like no matter what you do, it just won't work out. The good news is that you don't have to suffer in silence — there are way too many ways to improve your sex life. So here are the 37 best websites to learn something new and try out some of them on your current partner for a better sex life!

Communicate With Your Partner

This can be hard to do, but it's a must. You need to talk about things that are bothering you, or that you're not okay with within the bedroom. This can be difficult when you're having a clashing of any kind of opinion about anything (you don't know what she doesn't like and vice versa), so instead of holding back, just ask for some advice on what's hurtful and what could improve the situation. Learn more about communication in the bedroom here. Also keep in mind that if your partner isn't comfortable talking about what he/she likes or dislikes in bed, then he/she probably won't tell you either. In that case, you should really just bring it up yourself. You can't get what you want if you don't ask for it! 

Keeping Up With Your Partner's Sexual Needs

What makes this so difficult is that many of us don't even know what our own sexual needs are, much less the other person's. You can find out by asking him/her about some fantasies or at least what things he/she likes During a Sexual Encounter. This will take some time to do, but you'll have a better idea of your partner's needs as time goes on. This could also be a great time to find out if there's a problem in the relationship because if he/she really respects and cares about you, he/she would more than likely tell you what his/her needs are — at least informally.Another way to find out your partner's needs is to go to a sex shop or look online for some information and buy a book that would help you understand your partner's sexual desires. 

You can also try counseling.

If you're not sure of what kind of book to buy, just bring up the topic by asking for some good books about Sex Positions, fantasies, etc., and see what he/she says.A recent study has shown that 56 percent of men and 45 percent of women say they are not satisfied with their sex life. But keep in mind that if they're not being honest with you, then it's not fair to expect them to be honest with themselves either.

Being Worthy Of Your Partner's Time

Doing activities that are worth your time is what will make you worthy of your partner's time. Watch a movie, play video games, clean the house — whatever it is, make sure you're giving him/her some time to spend with you. You don't have to plan a date for every day for the rest of your lives, but just spending quality time once in a while really does help with intimacy between two people. This can be very important with couples who might be living together because not spending enough time together can also lead to resentment and "boring" sex lives. 

Talk To Your Partner About History

If you've been dating for a while, then you should know a lot about your partner's past. But some things can slip by, especially when you're so focused on your own life. You should always be asking questions about your partner's past and keeping up with what he/she tells you. The reason for this is that knowing about his/her past will tell you how things were in the beginning stages of the relationship and what problems could be arising now. It's not always negative — being up-to-date on things from the beginning can help keep a relationship fresh and alive, which means the chances of having better sex are higher. Make sure you know about these things: Have you had previous relationships that have ended in a similar fashion? If so, why? 

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